I love photography & wish I could take such great pictures. Thanks Lesley for such a fun painless time. I think they all turned out super good.
Saturday the 16th was family day at Ryan's work NRF. We got to go out to the desert/site & see where he works. Ryans parents went with us. My parents kept Conor. It was a lot of fun. The kids got to shoot targets with a fire hose. We got to see alot of things that are always so top secret & confidential. It was a really neat experience. My parents kept all three kids & Ry took me out to dinner at the Outback. We don't get to go on alone dates very often. I usually feel guilty that we should take one of the kids so we can have one on one time with them. Not this time though. It was a fun date.
The kids are all ready for school to start on Monday the 31st. I'm not ready to have Jakey gone all day. I like having a routine, but I don't like all the comittments that go along with it.
Tommorow is Jaxon's B-day he would be 10. We we're going to go to Lagoon with Kyle & Lesley. However my Dad's older brother Jack passed away yesterday. We will be going up to Butte in the morning. His viewing is tomm. night,then the funeral is saturday. My brother Brandon is coming from CouerD'alene. It will be good to see him. It's weird to me that Jack's first wife Thelma passed away a couple days short of exactly a year after Jaxon. Her funeral was on the same exact day as his was a year later. Now Jack is having his viewing on Jaxon's b-day.
We have had a healthy & happy summer other than this week. I'm grateful we've got to spend a lot of time with family & friends.