This was Jacob's second time getting his teeth cleaned, and Marli's first.
I let the kids pick who went first. Jacob decided he would go first,then Mom, then Marli. Sounded good to me,until it was my turn and I was feeling nausau's and was trying to be strong and both kids are in my face,while I was getting my teeth cleaned. Kathy the dental hygentist only had to stop twice for me to take a deep breathe and continue. I'm pretty proud of myself that I didn't throw up!
LOOK MOM NO CAVITIES!!! Thank goodness. Jake takes really good care of his beautiful teeth. It's neat to me that Jaxon and Jacob have the same teeth. They both are so perfect and white and have handsome smiles!
This picture encaptures Marli's true personality! She's a little different and just marches to her own beat.
Marli's turn.....
The kids did great! Mom and Marli aslo didn't have any cavities! The kids got to pick out a new toothbrush,floss and a toy. I needed to go to the store and thought we could run in Walmart real quick,get a few things and the kids could pick out a treat for being so good. Jake wanted to go to Fred Meyer's instead. I didn't understand why until we got there. His idea of a treat was a new Transformer. Marli picked out a Barbi with a kitchen set that luckily was on sale. Grandma Bette was working so we visited with her for a minute. We aslo ran into My mom and dad's old neighbor Karla Ashton. Her husband Dave died suddenly the May following Jaxon. I love her and her sweet family so much. It was so good to catch up with her. Dave's Birthday is Sept. 23rd. Karla and I have a special bond that when we're together words don't need to be said ,we can just feel comfort in one another. Her daughter Megan is Brandon's age and was always Jaxon's special friend. Jax loved her so much. Jacob came along and thought Megan was just as special as his brother. It's pretty cool. After we paid for our stuff.....we we're off to get Marli to dance.
What a day off. I swear sometimes I go to work to get a break. I'm glad we got the dentist over and don't have to go again until January.