I was going thru pictures today and came across this one...Jaxon as a baby. I remember Ryan making the cutest bed for him to sleep in between us. He would fold a blanket and make it into a sleeping bag. It was the best time in our lives when Jax was so small and we would all sleep in the same bed.

Here's Jakey's T-ball pictures. It was so windy the day they took these pictures.

OK so 3D ultra sound pictures kinda freak me out...so I hope everyone is OK after they see this one. When I went into the doctor on 7-12-07 they re-did my ultrasound. My friend Darla played around with the ultrasound for a long time. She did a 3D for no charge. So it's official we're having a boy. In this picture our tiny little guy has his arm and hand up to his face. When Darla was doing the ultrasound she said she thought this baby looked a lot like Jaxon. It may be too early to see a resemblance,but I'm sure excited to see what he looks like in real life. I told Ry today my goal is Oct. 25th for the baby to be born. That's like less than 90 days. He's such the optimist he said "That's like 100"! "That's a long time"! I wasn't very happy when he burst my bubble. I was trying to think it would be pretty fast. Darn him!!!!
Oh, my gosh! This picture is amazing. I can't believe how much detail there is...how crazy. He is absolutely adorable!!! I can't wait to see him and hold him! Love him already! I went shopping yesterday, and found him a yummy blanket like the one you got Hailey. Can't wait for you to see it! The kids will start school, and life will start being so busy, October will be here before you know it! I know it seems like you will never have that baby, but you will, and then you will wish that he was back in your tummy!!! Love Jakey's pictures, too. They are like K&Ks...we'll have to trade!
Okay, so I have one more comment...I love the picture of Jaxon! I remember the cute beds Ryan made for him. What a cute dad. When I first saw that picture, I thought it looked a lot like Hailey...weird! Maybe it's the chubby cheeks...thanks for posting this sweet picture!
Cute pics Lori! Jaxon looks so precious! The 3d ultrasound picture is awesome! Its so amazing what they can do now. You can see so much detail...he is going to be handsome! Can't wait to meet that little guy!
He looks like he's got some hair on him! I'm excited to hold him. You're doing such a good job getting all ready for him. I love that picture of Jaxon. I remember those cool "beds" you made him and tried to do that with Luke. Can I be like you when I grow up?
I love the picture of jaxon, that was a cute bed. we love boys, I think the baby looks alot like little jaxon.can't wait too cuddle with him. I love jake's t ball pictures!
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