Sunday, July 06, 2008
Saturday, July 05, 2008
Marli Line 'Em Up
The other day I came upstairs to something that may seem pretty common to most people. To me it is anything, but common it's actually very special. Marli found Jaxon's matchbox cars, and was playing with them. There are two blue cases that each hold 50 cars. Jax used to line them up in rows. He was very precise how he lined each car up. Marli was doing something pretty similar. It made me smile. I explained to her how Jaxon would play for hours with these cars and how special it was to me. She gave me a big hug and told me thanks for letting her play with his cars. She tells me all the time "Mom, I wish Jaxon didn't die. I love him." Me too!

I had to grab the camera and take some pictures of this so I'll never forget how neat this was.

I had to grab the camera and take some pictures of this so I'll never forget how neat this was.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008
America The Beautiful
Ryan Urges everyone in the strongest possible terms to go to:
The flags and monument to our 39 fallen soldiers from Idaho. To learn about one man's mission.
Also please check out The flags and monument to our 39 fallen soldiers from Idaho at the field of Flags on west Broadway. This man is trying to educate and keep alive all that we as U.S. citizens should hold dear and never forget.

Ryan got home tonight and told us a very special story. He was driving home and was prompted to stop at the field of flags. Every year for the past three years we always say we need to buy two flags from this field. They're $25 each. He listened to the prompting and went there. He asked the guy who is in charge if he had time to answer a few questions. The guy was really nice and went and got a chair and sat with Ryan and answered his questions. Ryan told the man he wanted two flags one of each. He looked in his wallet to see if he had any money. He saw a $50 bill that he has had tucked away for something special. He didn't remember putting it in his wallet. He's hung on to it for quite some time. He told us that he felt Jaxon close. He thinks Jax wanted his family to have these flags. Our family has always loved the fourth of July. It's probably our favorite holiday.

Ry took Jacob and had him help him put the flags in our yard. I was inside and was so touched by what he was doing. I was listening to him talk to Jake about why we celebrate the 4th of July. I was crying as I listened and watched.

When Jaxon was two Ryan drove truck for Doug Andrus and also worked at Three B detention. He was asked to pull a float that was for Bonneville County. Ry drove and Jax and I rode with him. Jax had a squirt gun and would squirt the people watching the parade. Everyone would wave to him and he thought it was so neat. Jax always loved the American flag. I'm so grateful that Ryan had this experience today. Jaxon has been so close the past couple days. I'm thankful that as the fourth of July is approaching our family can have Jax near.
The flags and monument to our 39 fallen soldiers from Idaho. To learn about one man's mission.
Also please check out The flags and monument to our 39 fallen soldiers from Idaho at the field of Flags on west Broadway. This man is trying to educate and keep alive all that we as U.S. citizens should hold dear and never forget.
Ryan got home tonight and told us a very special story. He was driving home and was prompted to stop at the field of flags. Every year for the past three years we always say we need to buy two flags from this field. They're $25 each. He listened to the prompting and went there. He asked the guy who is in charge if he had time to answer a few questions. The guy was really nice and went and got a chair and sat with Ryan and answered his questions. Ryan told the man he wanted two flags one of each. He looked in his wallet to see if he had any money. He saw a $50 bill that he has had tucked away for something special. He didn't remember putting it in his wallet. He's hung on to it for quite some time. He told us that he felt Jaxon close. He thinks Jax wanted his family to have these flags. Our family has always loved the fourth of July. It's probably our favorite holiday.
Ry took Jacob and had him help him put the flags in our yard. I was inside and was so touched by what he was doing. I was listening to him talk to Jake about why we celebrate the 4th of July. I was crying as I listened and watched.
When Jaxon was two Ryan drove truck for Doug Andrus and also worked at Three B detention. He was asked to pull a float that was for Bonneville County. Ry drove and Jax and I rode with him. Jax had a squirt gun and would squirt the people watching the parade. Everyone would wave to him and he thought it was so neat. Jax always loved the American flag. I'm so grateful that Ryan had this experience today. Jaxon has been so close the past couple days. I'm thankful that as the fourth of July is approaching our family can have Jax near.
Tagged By My Brother
My Brother Kyle tagged me, so here goes:

Favorite Person (outside of family)?
My neighbor and best friend Nikki Foust. It's so nice having her practically next door.(Two doors down) Her family is always there for me to lend a hand or an ear. She helps me not spend money. She works hard. She plays hard. She's a blast to be around.
Favorite Food?
Prime rib outback style.
Quirks about you?
I'm a neat freak. I can't stand clutter. I'm sure I have quirks that I'm unaware of.

How would the person who loves you most describe you in ten words or less?
Ryan: "Beautiful,Loving,Benevolent,Strong,Thoughtful,Devoted to family,Gentle,Amazing or Incredible, Selfless or unselfish, Protector or Guardian"
Jaxon: "Hot Mama"
Jacob: "Pretty,Good Cook,Nice"
Marli: "Beautiful,Fun,Nice"
Conor: "Dadadda!?!"
Any regrets in life?
Oh yeah....their is too many to mention. I will just say they started at the age of 13 and go through the age of 18. I will not say what, for fear my kids will have it to hold against me when they are teenagers! Yikes!
Favorite Charity/Cause?
Primary children's hospital telethon and childhood cancer research
Favorite Blog recently?
Melissa Francis She just completed treatment for breast cancer. She is so talented and brave.
Something you can't get enough of?
Hugs and kisses from my kids and handsome husband. Also chocolate!
Worst Job you've ever had?
Housekeeper at The west bank hotel
What job would you pay not to have?
IRS agent
If you could be a fly on the wall, where would it be?
I was talking to my sister-in-law Kim about this the other day. Putting her baby Hailey 14 mo. old and Conor 8 mo. old in a crib together. I would giggle so hard. They love to look at each other and poke each other. It would be fun to watch.
Also I would love to see the Savior visit the children at Primary Children's Hospital. I read a book that was a true story about the Savior visiting sick children in the SLC PMCH. You can feel him close by when your there, but to actually see him with the children would be so amazing.
Favorite Bible verse right now?
James 1:12
Blessed is the man that endures temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him.
Guilty Pleasure?
Scrap booking drinking Coca Cola
Got any confessions?
How much time do you have? One thing I'll admit to is anti-depressants work for me.
I ran out right before payday and thought I would be OK for a few days until I got my prescription refilled. I could tell immediately that I needed to get it refilled ASAP.
If you had $1000 dollars to spend on yourself how would you spend it?
Hmmm. That's hard. I would like to say I'd take a vacation, but I think I would need more than $1,000. I would buy the family a Wii and lots of games. I'd like a new computer and printer. I would need a lot more $.
Favorite thing about your house?
The people who live in it
Least favorite thing about your house?
It never stays clean and it's in West Arco (haha)
One thing you are bad at?
Saving money
One thing you are good at?
Making a dufous out of myself
If you could change one thing about your circumstances, what would it be?
My son Jaxon would be here with us
Who would you like to meet someday?
The Savior
What makes you feel sexy?
Not sure (I have four kids)
Who is your real life hero?
My beautiful son Jaxon
What is the hardest part of your job?
Being away from my kids
When are you most relaxed?
Laying in bed with my kids eating ice cream and watching a movie
What can you not live without?
My Family
Ryan said "Things/stuff, more things more stuff. Filling every possible space available. The love of her kids."
What stresses you out?
Living payday to payday
Do you agree or disagree with the recent article that reported that blogs are authored by narcissists?
I had to look this up....
(Narcissism describes the trait of excessive self-love, based on self-image or ego.)
If talking about your kids and being proud to be their Mama makes me a narcissist then I'd say I agree.
Why do you blog?
It's my journal...and I don't have time to scrapbook lately so I use it to document life's events.
Who are you tagging?
Melody Ross, Kimberly Sorenson, Melissa Smith
Favorite Person (outside of family)?
My neighbor and best friend Nikki Foust. It's so nice having her practically next door.(Two doors down) Her family is always there for me to lend a hand or an ear. She helps me not spend money. She works hard. She plays hard. She's a blast to be around.
Favorite Food?
Prime rib outback style.
Quirks about you?
I'm a neat freak. I can't stand clutter. I'm sure I have quirks that I'm unaware of.
How would the person who loves you most describe you in ten words or less?
Ryan: "Beautiful,Loving,Benevolent,Strong,Thoughtful,Devoted to family,Gentle,Amazing or Incredible, Selfless or unselfish, Protector or Guardian"
Jaxon: "Hot Mama"
Jacob: "Pretty,Good Cook,Nice"
Marli: "Beautiful,Fun,Nice"
Conor: "Dadadda!?!"
Any regrets in life?
Oh yeah....their is too many to mention. I will just say they started at the age of 13 and go through the age of 18. I will not say what, for fear my kids will have it to hold against me when they are teenagers! Yikes!
Favorite Charity/Cause?
Primary children's hospital telethon and childhood cancer research
Favorite Blog recently?
Melissa Francis She just completed treatment for breast cancer. She is so talented and brave.
Something you can't get enough of?
Hugs and kisses from my kids and handsome husband. Also chocolate!
Worst Job you've ever had?
Housekeeper at The west bank hotel
What job would you pay not to have?
IRS agent
If you could be a fly on the wall, where would it be?
I was talking to my sister-in-law Kim about this the other day. Putting her baby Hailey 14 mo. old and Conor 8 mo. old in a crib together. I would giggle so hard. They love to look at each other and poke each other. It would be fun to watch.
Also I would love to see the Savior visit the children at Primary Children's Hospital. I read a book that was a true story about the Savior visiting sick children in the SLC PMCH. You can feel him close by when your there, but to actually see him with the children would be so amazing.
Favorite Bible verse right now?
James 1:12
Blessed is the man that endures temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him.
Guilty Pleasure?
Scrap booking drinking Coca Cola
Got any confessions?
How much time do you have? One thing I'll admit to is anti-depressants work for me.
I ran out right before payday and thought I would be OK for a few days until I got my prescription refilled. I could tell immediately that I needed to get it refilled ASAP.
If you had $1000 dollars to spend on yourself how would you spend it?
Hmmm. That's hard. I would like to say I'd take a vacation, but I think I would need more than $1,000. I would buy the family a Wii and lots of games. I'd like a new computer and printer. I would need a lot more $.
Favorite thing about your house?
The people who live in it
Least favorite thing about your house?
It never stays clean and it's in West Arco (haha)
One thing you are bad at?
Saving money
One thing you are good at?
Making a dufous out of myself
If you could change one thing about your circumstances, what would it be?
My son Jaxon would be here with us
Who would you like to meet someday?
The Savior
What makes you feel sexy?
Not sure (I have four kids)
Who is your real life hero?
My beautiful son Jaxon
What is the hardest part of your job?
Being away from my kids
When are you most relaxed?
Laying in bed with my kids eating ice cream and watching a movie
What can you not live without?
My Family
Ryan said "Things/stuff, more things more stuff. Filling every possible space available. The love of her kids."
What stresses you out?
Living payday to payday
Do you agree or disagree with the recent article that reported that blogs are authored by narcissists?
I had to look this up....
(Narcissism describes the trait of excessive self-love, based on self-image or ego.)
If talking about your kids and being proud to be their Mama makes me a narcissist then I'd say I agree.
Why do you blog?
It's my journal...and I don't have time to scrapbook lately so I use it to document life's events.
Who are you tagging?
Melody Ross, Kimberly Sorenson, Melissa Smith
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
We Love This Kid
I've been thinking a lot about my nephew Koby today. He's going to have his tonsils out tomorrow. He has such a special place in my heart. He is such a sweet boy. I love talking to him and spending time with him. He always makes me laugh. He is the only boy in his family.I know he has a special mission on this earth. Whenever I'm near him I feel so close to the spirit. He is such an amazing person. Jaxon loves his cousin "Poby". Jacob adores Koby.

We tried calling him a couple different times today. Jacob really wanted to talk to him. Once Jacob got Uncle Rod on the phone and talked to him for a minute. Rod said he'd tell Koby, Jacob called when he got home. Then as we were driving home tonight, Koby called my cell phone. I had a sweet conversation with him. I told him how much we loved him and were thinking of him. Jake talked to him and told him we would pray for him and he loved him. Marli talked to him too. She told him we would bring him ice cream. She asked him what Kamri was doing. They talked for a minute, and then she said he hung up.

I know Koby will feel so much better after a week or so. We really love him and are mindful of him. We pray all will go well. I know Jaxon will be by Koby's side watching over him. I'm grateful Uncle Rod can give him a Priesthood blessing. Koby we love you and hope you feel better really soon!
We tried calling him a couple different times today. Jacob really wanted to talk to him. Once Jacob got Uncle Rod on the phone and talked to him for a minute. Rod said he'd tell Koby, Jacob called when he got home. Then as we were driving home tonight, Koby called my cell phone. I had a sweet conversation with him. I told him how much we loved him and were thinking of him. Jake talked to him and told him we would pray for him and he loved him. Marli talked to him too. She told him we would bring him ice cream. She asked him what Kamri was doing. They talked for a minute, and then she said he hung up.

I know Koby will feel so much better after a week or so. We really love him and are mindful of him. We pray all will go well. I know Jaxon will be by Koby's side watching over him. I'm grateful Uncle Rod can give him a Priesthood blessing. Koby we love you and hope you feel better really soon!
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