The flags and monument to our 39 fallen soldiers from Idaho. To learn about one man's mission.
Also please check out The flags and monument to our 39 fallen soldiers from Idaho at the field of Flags on west Broadway. This man is trying to educate and keep alive all that we as U.S. citizens should hold dear and never forget.
Ryan got home tonight and told us a very special story. He was driving home and was prompted to stop at the field of flags. Every year for the past three years we always say we need to buy two flags from this field. They're $25 each. He listened to the prompting and went there. He asked the guy who is in charge if he had time to answer a few questions. The guy was really nice and went and got a chair and sat with Ryan and answered his questions. Ryan told the man he wanted two flags one of each. He looked in his wallet to see if he had any money. He saw a $50 bill that he has had tucked away for something special. He didn't remember putting it in his wallet. He's hung on to it for quite some time. He told us that he felt Jaxon close. He thinks Jax wanted his family to have these flags. Our family has always loved the fourth of July. It's probably our favorite holiday.
Ry took Jacob and had him help him put the flags in our yard. I was inside and was so touched by what he was doing. I was listening to him talk to Jake about why we celebrate the 4th of July. I was crying as I listened and watched.
When Jaxon was two Ryan drove truck for Doug Andrus and also worked at Three B detention. He was asked to pull a float that was for Bonneville County. Ry drove and Jax and I rode with him. Jax had a squirt gun and would squirt the people watching the parade. Everyone would wave to him and he thought it was so neat. Jax always loved the American flag. I'm so grateful that Ryan had this experience today. Jaxon has been so close the past couple days. I'm thankful that as the fourth of July is approaching our family can have Jax near.
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