Tonight I was laying on the couch downstairs dreading what to make for dinner when the sweetest thing happened. Jakey came and laid with me. The conversation went something like this. Mom are you feeling any better? No Not really. Dad and I have been praying for you to feel better. Mom is the same thing going to happen to you that happened to Jaxon? I don't mean you getting cancer,but Jaxon was too good for this world so Heavenly Father took him back to live with him. (With tears in his eyes he hugs me) Mom I love you so much I want you to feel better. How sweet! Then he went and got his book from the school library and we read it.

The sweetness couldn't last forever at our house. I was in my scrap room getting something when all of a sudden rice was flying everywhere. Apparently Marli was swinging my "Shmuf" (rice bag) that Devon made me and it hit something that spliced it open. Voila!!! Rice everywhere!

I was super proud of myself. I didn't get upset. I didn't even say a bad word. Probably because I just don't have the energy. I never said a bad word . I just grabbed the camera and the vacuum.

It took forever to get all the rice cleaned up.

Conor Loves the vaccum. He isn't scared of it at all. Well he wasn't until tonight. I got out our little vac to clean up the rice. Conor was having fun playing with it.Then I turned it on and was vacumming. I set it down for a second while I moved some things. He grabbed it, his hand went over the hose when it was on. It sucked his hand pretty good.

He looked at me like his B/f bit him. Crazy! That reminds me of one more thing. I asked Jake to bring Conor to me today so I could wipe his face. Conor was peeved at Jake for manhandling him. He flipped out and bit Jake's hand. Jake almost cried. He said he bit me! He bit me hard!
That is pretty sweet Lor ... I can't wait to tell Jakey and Marli all of the fun experiences I had with their brother ... the things I was able to see and do with you guys in Salt Lake are some of the most precious memories I have ... Staying overnight with Jax in the hospital, he would sleep at the wrong end of the bed and put his little hand over the end of it so I could hold my hand while I slept on the little couch ... that's only one of too-many-to-count. I love you sweet sister ...
Oh Jake is such a good kid. What a sweet moment for you two!!
Way to go keeping your cool with the rice mess...Marli looks pretty upset about it in the first picture! lol!
Conor just kills me...I love that cute boy!!
haha good for you for not getting mad. Ella just spilled a whole bag full of lentils on our floor. You just have to laugh, right?
Sheesh...that first comment what Jake said made me cry. I'm glad you wrote that down. You have some super sweet boys!
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