Words can not even begin to describe how much I love my brother Kyle and his family. I love hanging out with them. No matter what we do we always have so much fun.
On our way to Provo we stopped in Draper at the

Draper Factory Stores12101 S Factory Outlet Drive Draper, UT801-571-2933. Ryan got a leather vest & leather gloves for riding his Harley. He was pretty happy. I got the kids some super cute Summer clothes.
One of my all time favorite stores is Osh Gosh. I used to always dress Jaxon in their clothes. I got Jakey & Conor some cool matching outfits. They both thought it was cool that they had twinner shirts and pants and jersey's and shorts.

We met Kyle,Lesley & Ella for dinner at this amazing Brazilian restaurant called Tucanos Brazilian Grill . Oh my this place was so good. We all ate way too much. I saw on a cooking show last week about this Brazilian lemonade it looked so yummy. I was so excited when the waitress asked me if I wanted to try their specialty drink. It was the lemonade I wanted to try. It was so delicious. 

I have never been to Ikea so it was on our wish list of places to go while in Utah. I love this store. It has all this stuff that you never even knew you needed. They have a play land for the kids to play in if they are potty trained. Jakey & Marli loved it. They had all sorts of fun stuff to jump & climb on while we all shopped. They give you a pager like when you go out to eat in case your child needs you. They give the parents a hour to shop. I was late picking the kids up it was more like a hour and 15 min. the girl said they tried to page me. Apparently my pager didn't work. Whoops!

The kids wanted to go to Chuck E cheeze. After Ikea I rode with Lesley to Hobby Lobby. Ryan met Kyle, Ella and my parents at Chuck E's. When they were ready to leave we stopped by to help load them all up. We went to Johnny Carino's for dinner. Only because the Cheese cake Factory had a two hour wait. Lame!
After Dinner we said our goodbye's and we had to head back to Provo to pick up Ry's pillow he left there. There was a girls basketball tournament in Provo and I talked to a bunch of the girls that were staying at our hotel. Their team was from Chicago. I told them we were from Idaho Falls, Id. and Chicago had nothing on us we are the windiest city.
The new Cabella's in Lehi was also on our list of places to see. They had a trailer out front with all these animals that were killed by poachers. It was called the Poachers wall of shame. The store was awesome. The kids really liked seeing all the animals and fish. They have this huge aquarium that is in a tunnel. There were some funky fish in there. Jakey said this one fish looked like a walrus's grandson. They had a pond of fish and they were all big. I was talking to the guy that worked there about what kind of fish were in there. He was telling me they were mostly trout. Once they got to a certain weight they would transfer them to the big aquarium. If they were too little the big fish would eat them.
Ryan was on a serious mission to find the Cheesecake Factory on the way home. It was going on 9:00 and he found it. He took Marli in to go potty and came out with three different kinds of cheesecake. We saved them for the next day when we got the car cleaned out and laundry all done it was our reward. We had a really fun trip. Thanks Kyle & Lesley for putting up with all of us.

I have never been to Ikea so it was on our wish list of places to go while in Utah. I love this store. It has all this stuff that you never even knew you needed. They have a play land for the kids to play in if they are potty trained. Jakey & Marli loved it. They had all sorts of fun stuff to jump & climb on while we all shopped. They give you a pager like when you go out to eat in case your child needs you. They give the parents a hour to shop. I was late picking the kids up it was more like a hour and 15 min. the girl said they tried to page me. Apparently my pager didn't work. Whoops!

The kids wanted to go to Chuck E cheeze. After Ikea I rode with Lesley to Hobby Lobby. Ryan met Kyle, Ella and my parents at Chuck E's. When they were ready to leave we stopped by to help load them all up. We went to Johnny Carino's for dinner. Only because the Cheese cake Factory had a two hour wait. Lame!

The new Cabella's in Lehi was also on our list of places to see. They had a trailer out front with all these animals that were killed by poachers. It was called the Poachers wall of shame. The store was awesome. The kids really liked seeing all the animals and fish. They have this huge aquarium that is in a tunnel. There were some funky fish in there. Jakey said this one fish looked like a walrus's grandson. They had a pond of fish and they were all big. I was talking to the guy that worked there about what kind of fish were in there. He was telling me they were mostly trout. Once they got to a certain weight they would transfer them to the big aquarium. If they were too little the big fish would eat them.

I am so glad you came to visit. We has so much with you guys and miss you already. Please come back soon!
Sounds like a blast!!! We haven't been to Utah in such a long time! I'd love to go shopping there!! Glad you guys had fun!!
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