I just wanted to jot down a couple things about Mr. Conor...Lately he has been my shadow. If he sees me getting on my shoes he gets excited & says "Don't leave me I go with you". He doesn't like it if I'm trying to hurry. He likes to play with my hair. He tells me he Loves me & that I'm pretty. When he gets in trouble he says "Mommy Your pretty but your mean". If Jakey or Marli does something he doesn't like he comes & tells me they're mean. He doesn't back down to anyone. He Loves to get his favorite blanket & come lay with me on my bed & watch t.v. He'll giggle & tell me he's on daddy's side. He's such a sweet little boy. I am so grateful for him. I went through so much to get him here & it was all worth it. I Love You Conor James!!!

He Loves to be outside. He always has one of the kids baseball mitts on. He tells me to give his mitt High Five. He Loves to play catch & try to hit the ball. He seriously thinks he's as Big as the other kids. I wish I could freeze time right now. He is so much Fun!
July 8th,2010
Conor saw that Jacob has a wallet & He REALLY wanted one too. Jakey went in his room & found a Lightning McQueen wallet for his little brother. Conor was SO excited. He opened the wallet & said "I NEED MONEY". We all laughed so hard. I didn't want him touching money or loosing it. So I went & got some monopoly like money out of our Buzz Light year Operation game. I let him pick what he wanted he picked a Buzz $100.00 & a Buzz $500.00. He walks around the house showing everyone his money. He sits & counts it One hundred, five hundred. He insisted on sleeping with his wallet. When I got him out of his crib he said look Mommy One hundred dollars. I'm thankful he's happy with his Buzz money.
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