The Smith's are a pretty amazing family. Ryan & I have almost been married for 18 years. I can't believe I have been in this family for almost 22 years. I'm grateful to have four wonderful sister-in-laws & four incredible brother-in-laws. Not to mention Four Fantastic Nephews & seven Gorgeous nieces.

I'm so grateful for Amber. She really did a fantasticjob! It's a tremendous blessing having new family pictures.

Jacob has really grown up this past year. He's such a wonderful young man. He played Cal Ripkin baseball this spring/summer. He has been living at the baseball field. We have enjoyed watching him play. He is my best friend. I love hanging out with him. We have certain shows that I DVR & we watch just the two of us. I love that he likes to spend time with me & talk & talk & talk. I just taught him how to play Rummy. He always ask if we can play cards. Now when he's at Grandma Bette's he plays cards with her. I think she enjoys it as much as him.

I'm so grateful to have Marli as a daughter. She is the sweetest girl & extremely thoughtful. She seriously cracks me up. Most of the time when I'm laughing at something she said or did, she looks at me totally serious and asks "WHAT"? I always wanted a daughter and I know Heavenly Father picked her just for me. I have been serving in the Activity Day program though church. Tuesday I had the opportunity to go to day camp with Marli & 19 other 8-11 year old girls. We took our Activity Day girls up to Krupp Hollow. It was a blast. There was absolutely no drama & all the girls were so kind & thankful that we took them. The weather was HOT! We managed to make sure we stayed hydrated by drinking plenty of water & everyone enjoyed the day. We played horseshoes, shot BB guns, made survival bracelets, learned about the solar system/constellations. Panned for gold. Survived a super hard obstacle course. Had a picnic lunch. Were thoroughly entertained by the scouts. Who knew Scouts could be so hilarious. Their skits & songs had me laughing so hard I had tears streaming down my cheeks.I was shocked at how much they crammed into one day. I'm thankful that such a great camp is so close to our area. The cotton trees kicked my allergies into super drive. Luckily I had taken Allegra before I left home. The girls gave me a hard time that I wore open toed shoes. Then when a huge bottle fell on my foot & split my big toe open they really gave it to me. I think it was actually karma that cut my foot. Just minutes before it happened, I was joking with another leader that I needed a nap & was going to pretend like my hip went out. Gotta watch out for that Karma...she'll get ya everytime.

I am so grateful for these Beautiful kids. They get along so well with each other & everyone they come in contact with. I'm always asked what I have done or do to have such well behaved, considerate kids. Honestly I don't think I can take any of the credit. I have been extremely blessed with the most Awesome children.

I told Ryan I wanted a serious shot of Conor. Then I stepped back and he helped Amber capture this. It reminds me of Sweet Jaxon so much. I love it!

Conor is always saying the cutest and funniest things. I absolutely adore his personality. Last night he took a shower without me knowing. Apparently he asked Marli for help...he wanted to surprise me. So he comes running in my room with just a towel on. He yells "Surprise"!!! Then he asked me if Jacob took a shower. I told him yes. So he proceeded to inform me that Marli took a bath & then helped him shower. He said "Mom, all your kids are clean & delicious...Isn't that delightful"? I cracked up. He loves to help me whenever he can. He is my shadow & I wouldn't want it any other way. It was pretty delightful cuddling with three clean kiddos.

I absolutely Love this picture of Ryan And his brother Eric with their Dad Papa Reuel.

I can't believe how grown up your kids are! Goodness me. And you all look so great! And Lori you look gorgeous. can't wait to see you all in November!
Beautiful family pics. You have such a cute family. I love the Smith family shots too.
Loved this!!
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