He thought it was funny for his mom to wear his hat. While he was at Grandma Bette's house today she showed Jake pictures of me as a little girl. When I was in the first grade my family moved to Wyoming for awhile and I was a cowgirl while I went to school there. Upon returning to Montana the kids at school made fun of me and I never wore my cowgirl boots and hat again. Some kids are so cruel.

Marli wasn't feeling well today. She was running a fever and slept most of the day. Poor kid.

Ryan took the kids to Sportsman's Warehouse and then to the video store and let them pick out some "WOO vies". That's how Miss Marli pronounces movie. They got Flushed Away and Open Season. We just finished them. Both very good movies. Tomorrow I will be helping out in the nursery at church I will also be in there the following week. One of the Ladies I visit teach is a nursery leader and she's going on vacation. She asked me to fill in for her. I'm glad to help out wherever there's a need. I'm just thankful it's for 2 weeks and not longer. I love Relief Society so much I hate missing one week.