Jake said he was prince Eric and
Marli was Princess Ariel. I was shocked at what came out of his mouth next......he got down on one knee and said "Princess Ariel will you marry me?"
Marli said "Yes Prince Eric I will marry you." They hugged and started dancing. Jake showed his sister where to put her arms when they danced.

These two are always
pretending something. I put my camera on video and Jake did it again. I tried to upload the video to blogger. I will keep trying. These two are so darling. I'm thankful I have them around to keep life exciting.
These little buddies remind me of my siblings Warren and Stefanie... they were the best little friends when they were little, and have remained best buddies even until this day. I hope it's the same for these little sweethearts. If they fight when they're older you can whip out these pictures to remind them how much they love eachother. Those are precious pictures
they made me cry, there so sweet.
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