The prize is every morning a bank opens a new account in your name. It has $86,400 in it. There are only two rules you must follow:
Rule #1 : Everything you fail to spend that day you loose. You can't cheat. You can't transfer the money into another account. You have to spend every cent by the time you go to bed. Each morning the account starts over. Whatever isn't spent is taken from you that night and is lost. Therefore the sole condition is you spend it all that day.
Rule #2 : The bank can break off the game at anytime. The bank can close your account at anytime with no warning. The bank won't open another account. It's over. So what would you do if you won this amazing prize?
We all have this prize which is TIME. We have this big account.....It's filled with fleeting seconds. Each day we have 86,400 seconds. When we wake up each morning, there is no carry over from the day before. What hasn't been lived is lost....Yesterday has vanished. Today is a new line of credit. Remember, we don't want to loose a single second! Let's make the most of the time we have left.
Spend It Wisely!!!
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