Looking Towards Heaven...longing to know what it is like!

Heavenly Father are you really there? Do you hear and answer every child's prayer?

If we could climb the staircase to Heaven would we be able to have all our questions answered?

This week has been a horrible reminder of how fragile life is. Tuesday morning when my alarm went off I heard of a tragic car accident in the Boise area. Go to this link for the story....
The family set up a place you can go and leave comments:
Little did I know that my great Friend Melody that lives in Boise is really good Friends with the Walker family. I spoke to Melody this week and she reminded me that this is the same family in 2002 lost their little girl to yet another tragic accident when a family member did not see the child and hit her and killed her. Makela was a twin and close to the age of Jaxon. It's amazing that my child returned home to his Father in Heaven around the same time as this sweet little girl. Our lives have been in twined in similar ways. Thru our mutual Friend Melody we have learned of one another. So when I found out this family lost three more of their beautiful children to yet another accident it was more than I thought any of us should ever have to bear. My heart is broken for these two families and I ask that everyone pray for them. Please pray that the Lord will bless them individually. He is the only one who knows what it is they need to get thru this. If I could take this trial for them I would. A parent should not have to bury a child. It is the hardest thing we will ever be asked to do. I feel so helpless. The family asked my friend to decorate the room they will have the viewing in tomorrow. I thought that was a honor for her. It's so hard when people ask "what can we do?" When you yourself don't know what to do. I'm thankful they asked her to do this so she can do something to help. This week has brought back so many emotions and I am thankful these families have a strong faith. They are going to need to rely on their faith to get them thru their grief. Our prayers for them will sustain them and give them the strength they need to simply get out of bed each day. I have looked toward Heaven so many times. I long to know what it looks like. I want to return when it is my time and have my Father in Heaven hug me and say "Job well done"!
Lori, what a beautiful post. I can't even imagine what that family is going through...
Kyle said that you wrote the family a letter- I am sure that they truly appreciated your thoughtfulness and words of comfort at this difficult time. You are so wonderful.
Hey girl! I have been missing you and praying for you! Let's get together. You know my #. God bless you. I love you sweetie.
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