So I have good reason's why I haven't posted in 2 months! My camera died. I have had a lot going on and posting really wasn't a priority. Most of you know I have been really sick. I thought I would feel better by now. I don't. So I figure if I'm ever going to post again...I might as well just do it. I'm now 4 months pregnant. Shocking I know! Ryan and I were both shocked. No we weren't trying. We thought we were done having kids. Apparently not.
I have adapted this quote as my life motto: " Character can not be developed in ease & quiet. Only through trial & suffering is the soul strengthened." Helen Keller
It seems when life seems to be going pretty good.....BAM! Something completely out of nowhere rocks your very foundation. For me right now it's being pregnant with Our 4Th baby. I can't believe it. This one is completely different. I was sick with the others...ya know the basic morning sickness. I would feel puny in the morning. Then as the day went on I was good. This time I have had a really rough time. I have to take zofran and finnergan (which is what they give patients when they are receiving chemo). I keep waiting to feel better and be excited and enjoy this one. It is our last one so I really want to enjoy this.
In January I cut my hair short. My friend Nikki told me every time she cuts her hair short she gains weight. She grows her hair out and the weight comes off. I somewhat think she jinxed me. I was thinking literally everyone around me was pregnant and even joked about it. I was completely blindsided when I went to the doctor in Feb. with what I thought was this horrible flu that wouldn't go away. When they told me I was pregnant I said No! There's no way. I bawled. I know it sounds bad. I sat there thinking what? I came home told Ryan. His response"Oh great"! Totally sarcastic.
Something really cool is that I have been pregnant in good company. Two of my sister-in-laws. Melissa (Ryan's brother Eric's wife) had they're second baby in march. Kim (Ryan's sister) is having they're #4 on May 9Th. I would have never dreamed that we would both be having #4 at the same time. Well I am envious of both sisters. I'm due the end of Oct. So it will be a long hot summer. I've always dreamed of having a spring baby. Not gonna happen. Mine come August, September, and October. Wow!
I have to say I'm glad you're posting again and I'm thrilled you and Ryan are having another baby. It's a good thing you're so strong! Sorry about the short hair weight gain thing...I do suppose I've had short hair all my life...that must be my problem.
We have missed you SO much! We look at your blog almost every day and it's been so fun to see new posts over the last week! We are glad to hear that you are feeling better, and can't wait for your little one to be born!
Thanks for the update Lori!I'm glad you are blogging again. We are so happy that you guys are having another baby!I'm glad you are feeling a little better too. You guys are awesome!
... add us to the 'happy you're pregnant' list! You guys have beautiful babies ... so you're just doing the world a favor - think of it that way! What an amazing blessing to be able to have children ... The Lord loves you SO much!
dad and I'm excited too, can't wait for another grand baby that we can spoiled. we love you guys!
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