Saturday, May 19, 2007

Papa Bill My Nanny

So most people have to have a lot of $$$ to have a nanny. I am so blessed that I am rich just not wealthy in the sense of money. My dad is my personal nanny and lifesaver. Ryan had to work overtime today and I had a million things to do. I asked my dad if he would mind watching my kids for a few hours. Of course he said just bring them over. So this morning at 8:45 a.m. I took the little people over to my dad's and was able to get all my errands done. I signed up for a scrap booking class at my friend Devon's. It went from 9-12. I ran over to Ryan's mom and dad's for a minute. Eric and Melissa were there. It was great to see them. It was weird to go over there without my family though. Kim's kids were there too. I love those guys so much. Koby and Kamri looked at me and were like where are Jakey and Marli? I visited for a bit then was off to get my errands done. My dad called me on my cell phone and told me not to come over for awhile cuz they were taking a nap.

My Grandpa John and his wife Zola were here for the weekend.Grandpa told my dad he's wanted to come see my house for 3 years. He finally came out. It was so nice to have him come see where we live. My Grandpa John has such a special place in my heart. I love him so much. It's cute how my kids want to sit on his lap when they see him. They love him too.

My parents planned a dinner at Leo's with my dad's sister Sharon and all of her family. It was so great to see all of my cousins. My cousin Kari had a miracle baby girl in April. I won't go into detail but basically this little angel wasn't supposed to live. When Kari was 20 weeks pregnant at her ultrasound apt. she found out the baby had a lot of liquid inside it's body and it's heart and lungs probally wouldn't develop properly. If she carried it full term would only live for hours. Her doctor sent her to the University hospital in SLC. Kari had to go once a week to SLC to the hospital for apt.'s. The doctors told her at 26 weeks they hadn't seen something so miraculous in all their years of practicing medicine. The liquid was gone and the babies heart was developing. Kari still wouldn't know what to expect until she delivered. Madison is here and beautiful. She has swollen kidneys and they don't know long term what side effect she will have. Kari and I sat down and talked for over an hour and bawled and bore our testimonies. I love her so much.She told me of her experiene staying at the Ronald McDonald house.We stayed there with Jaxon and the people there are so wonderful. I'm so thankful that she was in good hands. I have walked the halls at the University hospital with Jaxon and I know that there are amazing people who work there. We continue to pray for little Madison and Kari. I'm thankful for my family I love them so much. They strengthen me and I can see the Lord blessing them individually as well as collectively.


Anonymous said...

Wow, that's amazing about your cousin's baby! I am so glad that Papa John and Zola were able to come to your home- those pictures are priceless! I am really hoping to finally meet them this summer when we go to MT... I can't believe that Kyle and I have been married nearly three years and I still haven't met them.

Anonymous said...

ps. jakey looks like a little golfer with his matching polo and hat. So cute!