Here's Grandpa Reuel carrying the grad outside. I wish you could hear Jake laughing.
It was so pretty outside we had to take some photo's of both grandparents.
OK so here is Jake's classmates Madison blonde and her cousin Ashlyn (Jake's girlfriend)
Grandpa Reuel and Miss Marli
Jake does everything right handed except bat baseball and say the Pledge Of Allegiance
Marli sat on Grandma Lyn's lap for almost the entire program
Jacob did a fantastic job. When it was his turn to say his part he said it with confidence and said"My phone # is" he did perfect. We are so proud of this guy
After Jake's program we all went to Perkins for a late breakfast. My Mom and Dad took the kids to their house. I went and got a new driver license. Funny...I was 5 mo. pregnant with Marli in my last license and now I'm about 5 mo pregnant with? I went to work after that. It was nice only working half a day.
The picture of him with his left hand over his "heart" is just about the funniest thing I've ever seen in my life. I laughed for a full minute. Good one.
Way to go Jake! We are so proud of you! His little girlfriend is a cutie! :)
jake you have grown up so much since last year. you did such a good job! were proud of you, your the best. love grandma
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