Lately I have had some really interesting things going on with my poor legs. When I sit down after a long day or crawl in bed my legs twitch and fling around. It's like they're having a seizure. Ryan said it drives him nuts. I'll be trying to relax when all of a sudden my leg or legs just go nuts. I've had this happen in the past and it didn't bother me that much. Now when it happens my calf muscle tightens and I get the worst charlie horse. My calf muscles are like mush. They hurt constantly.

I found this picture on the web of a baby foot with the mothers hand and thought how appropriate. It's all because of this little person growing inside me that my body has literally turned into a freak show.

Yesterday at work I asked my boss Dr. Fred (who's a chiropractor) about my uncontrollable twitching and horrible leg pain. He explained it really well. It seems this is happening because of poor circulation. He found a trigger spot on the front of my ankle that is so tender. He said if I put vick's vapor rub on that spot it will get blood to circulate better. Ok I'll try anything once. He also gave me these chinese moxa things to put on that same trigger spot. I will be experimenting this weekend and let ya know if it helps.

When I was working out with my trainer I would do standing calf raises. I try to do them when I stand for long periods of time. I'm hoping my calves will feel better soon.
1 comment:
I still think Lesley made up the whole RLS thing.
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