Jacob had a field trip today. Mrs. Di called me yesterday and asked me if I could help out. Her oldest son Jared and his wife were having a baby and she was leaving for Utah. I told her I could if it was OK Marli came with me. Of course she said no problem. Marli was excited she got to go to school with her brother. We got to pre-school and Mrs. Kristy was there and the kids were a little excited. She asked me to sit at one of the tables and help the kids get their work done. It was so fun. The kids liked having "Jakey's mom" help them with their papers. Marli sat next to me and would introduce herself to the kids. She wasn't shy at all. When the time came Mrs. Kristy assigned the kids who they would ride with. We drove Ryan's truck it has more room than my car. Jake didn't care about anything except his best friend Kaden. Mrs. Kristy had told Kaden to ride with a different mom. Jake raised his hand and begged her to let us take Kaden with us. So we loaded up the kiddos and headed to Comfort Touch Dental. When we got there we all went in. It was funny that Kaden's mom was the dental hygienist. She told me that Kaden always asks her to call Jacob. She said I should get your #. I was hesitant because that's really all I need is two 4 yr olds calling each other all day. We learned a lot and after the tour of one of the nicest offices I've ever seen we were off again. We went back to Mrs. Di's. I asked Jake what he wanted for lunch. He said he wanted to go to McDonald's and play at play land. When I pulled into McDonald's Jake said mom I never realized how close Fred Meyer is to McDonald's. The kids played and had a great time. We came home and it was so beautiful outside they played in the backyard. What a adventurous Tuesday.
I still am without a camera...I was able to get these uploaded from my cell phone. I will be so happy when my new camera gets here.
I worked at a Day Care/Preschool for several years - this was fun to read! I love that they are little 4 yr old buddies!! Aren't you grateful for Camera phones? I AM!
I'm quite impressed with the quality of your cell phone camera photos... I'm excited for you to get your new camera too! That way you can take pics of all of your latest creations and post them for us... Love you!
what a fun day, I love the pictures you took. They are growing up too fast. Love you guys!
Sounds like a fun day :) Your cell phone takes pretty good pictures...what happened to your other camera?? I hope you get your new one soon. :)
... what a sweet picture of Jake and his friend Kaden. Wow. He is so 'grown-up'... It sounds like you had a great time yesterday - I'm sure Miss 'Mahli' had a fabulous time going to school with big brother Jakey. So what camera did you finally end-up ordering???
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