Jake and Marli being silly in Grandma's front yard.
Boys and their toys! The only difference between little boys and big boys is the price of their toys!
Today Jacob had his first T-ball practice. I couldn't leave work and was feeling sorry for myself. Thankfully my mom was off and she stepped in for me.Jake was a little shy at first and wanted Grandma to sit by him. Once they started practice he was OK. The coach asked the kids what name they wanted for the team, she suggested "The Bears". What? The Bears aren't even a baseball team. Jacob raised his hand and said "The Boston Red Socks"! I'm surprised he didn't say the Utah Jazz. Grandma has him trained already..."GO JAZZ". The coach said they needed three names to put in with the city. Someone said The Tigers...too bad we live on the west side and that wouldn't go over too well. So choice #3 was Pirates. They practice next Wednesday when we'll find out the color of their shirts and the name. Marli was sad when she saw all the kids. She really wanted to play ball with them. Grandma tried to explain to her that she couldn't be on Jake's team. "Why Grandma? There's girls on his team!" She's right there is 5 girls and 5 boys. Marli walked over to the slide sat down folded her arms and looked at the ground. It must be hard being the little sister.
Papa Bill had to work night shift so he caught the bus by the time Jake was done with practice. Ryan is at work until 1:30 a.m. So Grandma brought the kids to my office and then treated us to Sizzler for dinner. We have it so good. Thank you Grandma Bette and Papa Bill for all you do for us. We love you so much.
Great pictures...youre looking good! You've got the pregnancy "glow" :) Your parents are so great to help out all the time. Thats awesome Jake is in T-ball...he will love it!
I think both of us would be in a world of hurt without our wonderful parents...how did they do it by themselves??? Looks like your summer's off to a good start!
What darling pictures of you and the kids... too bad Marli wasn't smiling in that first one... it's so good to see you all so happy! We miss you like crazy!
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