Even though I feel horrible I have to say today has been a fantastic day. I finally completed Jaxon's Tribute book that I started working on last October. I just got off the phone with Andrea (a wonderful lady )who helped make this project possible. We got the book completed and sent off for publishing. Words can not even begin to describe how incredible I feel to have completed this.It definitely is one of the hardest things I have ever done. Also the most rewarding.Granma Lyn was so nice to be my editor on this project. I really appreciate all she did to help me get this accomplished. Thanks Lyn, I love you so much!
After dropping the kids off at pre-school today I went in to work until it was time to pick them up. I normally don't work on Friday's, but have been sick all week and thought I could suck it up and go in for a couple hours. The kids were so excited when I picked them up. Apparently it was Kaden's (Jake's B/F) birthday. They had a party and cookies. The kids and I ran errands and then went to the car wash. My poor car was so dirty from the rainstorm we had a few days ago. Usually one of them cries when we go threw the car wash. Not today they had me laughing so hard. They were pretending our car was under attack and were laughing and yelling at the scrubber things that clean your car. It was quite entertaining. Then we went to Hastings and rented some movies. We are planning on taking it easy this weekend.
Tuesday Ryan started a new job. He is now working four by fours. Which means four night shifts,four days off,then four day shifts followed by four days off. Tonight is his last night working. He'll be home at 8:30 a.m and start his four days off. It's kind of crazy that the hours he works are the same as my dad. They are both shift workers, they work long days and look forward to their four days off.
Thank goodness it's Friday. What a week. Glad it's over. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
Friday, September 28, 2007
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
All I have To Say Is.....
Are you kidding me? As if I don't feel horrible enough I now have strep throat and a double ear infection to boot. I am so ready to throw in the towel. Someone please knock me out and wake me up in five weeks when this is over. Seriously!
Monday Jake wasn't feeling so good,but said he wanted to go to school. By afternoon time he was pretty miserable. Ryan took him to the doctor and he has a double ear infection. The doctor told Ryan, Jake has a huge tolerance for pain because his left ear was so bad it was bulging and ready to burst. Jake is my kid that never gets sick. He won't tell us if he's ever uncomfortable. He say's he doesn't want to bother us. They gave him some super ear drops that seem to really help. The antibiotic he only has to take once a day. I let him sleep with me Monday night. I was crying Monday as I watched my little boy so sick try to be brave. (Of all days for him to be sick the 24th)
I took a whole thing of emergenC and airbourne and still got sick. Dang it! Seems like every year when school starts I get strep. So not fair.
Monday Jake wasn't feeling so good,but said he wanted to go to school. By afternoon time he was pretty miserable. Ryan took him to the doctor and he has a double ear infection. The doctor told Ryan, Jake has a huge tolerance for pain because his left ear was so bad it was bulging and ready to burst. Jake is my kid that never gets sick. He won't tell us if he's ever uncomfortable. He say's he doesn't want to bother us. They gave him some super ear drops that seem to really help. The antibiotic he only has to take once a day. I let him sleep with me Monday night. I was crying Monday as I watched my little boy so sick try to be brave. (Of all days for him to be sick the 24th)
I took a whole thing of emergenC and airbourne and still got sick. Dang it! Seems like every year when school starts I get strep. So not fair.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Jaxon Is My Hero
Today is a brutally difficult day for me. As Jaxon's mother it is especially hard to be without him. I know he wants us to be happy and he is doing all he can to see that we are. I know that as I'm preparing for our new little guy to arrive Jaxon had something to do with getting his "Helper" here. I'm grateful that I have the knowledge that Jaxon is ok he made it and he's waiting for us. Now Grandpa Mel is with my sweet boy and I can only imagine the two of them running wild in the fields of Heaven. Neither of their bodies are tired or sick. Makes me smile really big. I love this picture of Grandma Phyllis and Grandpa Mel with baby Jax. Right after he was born they came up to our house in Shelley. Jaxon was the first Smith grandson.

I'd like to share something my wise brother Kyle shared with me last November. I wasn't able to reach him today to get his permission,but I think he won't mind.
"I have been thinking all morning about your email. We may wonder why we go through such trials and tribulations. We may want to question why a God of love lets horrible things happen, especially to His followers. Think of what happened to Abinadi at the stake or to Joseph Smith (Read Doctrine and Covenants 122 for a humbling account). In fact human history and the scriptures are filled with accounts of the suffering of the righteous. Why does this happen. And why me? Why us? I wish that I had the answer. All I know is that God does love us. He knows us better than we know ourselves. He knows what we need and what we can endure. Just as the Apostle Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 10:13 that we will not be tempted beyond that which we can bear, He also will not put us through trials above that which we can bear. His desire is for us to become like Him, to return to Him in all of His glory. And we have to humble ourselves and realize that we do not know what we need at certain times. We have to have faith that there is something beyond the pain and suffering. We have to have faith that He is preparing for us for what is to come, for something far better than we can imagine. We have to remember "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts" (Isaiah 55:8-9). "
Peter 1:7. "That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ."
When I need spiritual uplifting I always go to my brother Kyle. He knows exactly what I need to hear. I'm so grateful to have him, to lean on him and to be able to benefit from his determination to always be a faithful servant of the Lord.
I would just like to let my beautiful son Jaxon know how much I love him and long to be reunited with him. I will try to do my best while I am finishing what the Lord wants me to do with my time on earth. I miss you son and am so proud to be your mom. I love you best friend, you are my hero.

I'd like to share something my wise brother Kyle shared with me last November. I wasn't able to reach him today to get his permission,but I think he won't mind.
"I have been thinking all morning about your email. We may wonder why we go through such trials and tribulations. We may want to question why a God of love lets horrible things happen, especially to His followers. Think of what happened to Abinadi at the stake or to Joseph Smith (Read Doctrine and Covenants 122 for a humbling account). In fact human history and the scriptures are filled with accounts of the suffering of the righteous. Why does this happen. And why me? Why us? I wish that I had the answer. All I know is that God does love us. He knows us better than we know ourselves. He knows what we need and what we can endure. Just as the Apostle Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 10:13 that we will not be tempted beyond that which we can bear, He also will not put us through trials above that which we can bear. His desire is for us to become like Him, to return to Him in all of His glory. And we have to humble ourselves and realize that we do not know what we need at certain times. We have to have faith that there is something beyond the pain and suffering. We have to have faith that He is preparing for us for what is to come, for something far better than we can imagine. We have to remember "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts" (Isaiah 55:8-9). "
Peter 1:7. "That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ."
When I need spiritual uplifting I always go to my brother Kyle. He knows exactly what I need to hear. I'm so grateful to have him, to lean on him and to be able to benefit from his determination to always be a faithful servant of the Lord.
I would just like to let my beautiful son Jaxon know how much I love him and long to be reunited with him. I will try to do my best while I am finishing what the Lord wants me to do with my time on earth. I miss you son and am so proud to be your mom. I love you best friend, you are my hero.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Ninja Turtle Rafael
Jake was cracking us up.I had to get a video of him being so crazy. He was so into being a Ninja, Ryan and I were dying of laughter.
Ninga Turtle Jake
Jake wants to be "Rafael" for Halloween. We found a costume at the mall for him.I wrapped it for his birthday and put it away. He opened it today and was so excited.

The boys were having fun being ninjas. Jake put his costume on and wore it for most of the day. I think I will definitely see him get our $ worth on that purchase.He kept saying thanks Mom I love this I love it! What a awesome weekend we had. It was so fun spending time with our families. Good times!
The boys were having fun being ninjas. Jake put his costume on and wore it for most of the day. I think I will definitely see him get our $ worth on that purchase.He kept saying thanks Mom I love this I love it! What a awesome weekend we had. It was so fun spending time with our families. Good times!
Potato Sack
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Friday night Koby and Jake were playing video games in Jake's room. They needed help with one of the games. They asked me to help them. I didn't know how to play it. Koby was so cute he went out in the garage and said " Hey Uncle Ryan we need your help"! Ryan came in and played with the boys for over a hour. I wish I would have recorded the laughter that was coming from Jake's room. The three boys were having so much fun.

Aunt Kimmi asked Marli to sleep over at her house with Kamri. Marli was so excited she has never slept over anywhere except her grandparents house. Marli loves Kamri very much. She keeps telling eveyone for her birthday she wants a rainbow cake and Kamri to sleep over. When everyone started showing up for Jake's party, Kamri and Marli went down in Marli's room. We never saw them again. They were playing so cute in her room. When it was time to go she was walking on air. Thank you Aunt Kimmi for making Marli the happiest girl in the universe. (I didn't get any pictures of the two girls together.)

You can see how happy Marli is here sitting by Kamri. I love this picture of all the cute little funny faces.

Ryan got up early and left to go up to Kelly canyon to ride dirt bikes. When the boys got up it was really early and told me they were starving. We were driving and noone was up yet and I told the boys we were up before anyone. They thought that was so neat. On the way to breakfast the boys had clipboards with pens and paper. They said they were buisness men they needed to get all their work done. It was so cute.

Papa Bill and grandma Bette invited us to breakfast. Koby, Jake and I met them at Perkins. I think the best part was watching Koby eat pancakes. He gobbled up two big pancakes and said they were so good, he wanted to come back tommorrow for more.
Aunt Kimmi asked Marli to sleep over at her house with Kamri. Marli was so excited she has never slept over anywhere except her grandparents house. Marli loves Kamri very much. She keeps telling eveyone for her birthday she wants a rainbow cake and Kamri to sleep over. When everyone started showing up for Jake's party, Kamri and Marli went down in Marli's room. We never saw them again. They were playing so cute in her room. When it was time to go she was walking on air. Thank you Aunt Kimmi for making Marli the happiest girl in the universe. (I didn't get any pictures of the two girls together.)
You can see how happy Marli is here sitting by Kamri. I love this picture of all the cute little funny faces.
Ryan got up early and left to go up to Kelly canyon to ride dirt bikes. When the boys got up it was really early and told me they were starving. We were driving and noone was up yet and I told the boys we were up before anyone. They thought that was so neat. On the way to breakfast the boys had clipboards with pens and paper. They said they were buisness men they needed to get all their work done. It was so cute.
Papa Bill and grandma Bette invited us to breakfast. Koby, Jake and I met them at Perkins. I think the best part was watching Koby eat pancakes. He gobbled up two big pancakes and said they were so good, he wanted to come back tommorrow for more.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Happy Birthday Jake part two
When I asked Jake what he wanted for his birthday he said he wanted all of his family to come to his house for cake, and he wanted Koby to sleep over. I can do that.
Jacob's theme for his birthday party was Transformers. He can't wait for the movie to come out on DVD. When Koby came over and had a costume that was optimus prime the head of the good guys Jake was so excited. Optimus is on Jake's cake. Jakey was looking for a batman costume like Koby's. We couldn't find one. Koby brought his and Jake put it on immediately. The boys dressed up as soon as Koby got to our house. They stayed dressed up until it was time for bed.

Papa Bill was loving holding little Hailey. He was so cute with her. She kept looking at him not quite sure what to think of him. It was so cute.

Erin, Mark and Luke got Jake a cool Transformer poster. Jake was so excited when he realized what it was.

We had so much fun watching little Luke. He is such a sweet boy. He gave Papa Bill kisses and shared ice cream with Grandma Bette.(I didn't get pictures of him doing this...dang it) I love that little guy so much.

Uncle Mark was so nice to burn us a copy of Grandpa Mel's video that Eric and Melissa made. Thank you Mark!

I love this picture of Kenzi. She melts my heart when ever I see her.

After we sang Happy birthday to Jake ,we sang to Ryan. I was glad his family was here to sing to him. he has to work on his actual birthday. His coworkers got him a ice cream cake. He said they didn't have time to eat it at work. He brought it home and shared it with all of us.

I want to thank everyone for making Jakey's birthday so special. When I was helping him brush his teeth and getting ready for bed he told me this was the best birthday ever.
Jacob's theme for his birthday party was Transformers. He can't wait for the movie to come out on DVD. When Koby came over and had a costume that was optimus prime the head of the good guys Jake was so excited. Optimus is on Jake's cake. Jakey was looking for a batman costume like Koby's. We couldn't find one. Koby brought his and Jake put it on immediately. The boys dressed up as soon as Koby got to our house. They stayed dressed up until it was time for bed.
Papa Bill was loving holding little Hailey. He was so cute with her. She kept looking at him not quite sure what to think of him. It was so cute.
Erin, Mark and Luke got Jake a cool Transformer poster. Jake was so excited when he realized what it was.
We had so much fun watching little Luke. He is such a sweet boy. He gave Papa Bill kisses and shared ice cream with Grandma Bette.(I didn't get pictures of him doing this...dang it) I love that little guy so much.
Uncle Mark was so nice to burn us a copy of Grandpa Mel's video that Eric and Melissa made. Thank you Mark!
I love this picture of Kenzi. She melts my heart when ever I see her.
After we sang Happy birthday to Jake ,we sang to Ryan. I was glad his family was here to sing to him. he has to work on his actual birthday. His coworkers got him a ice cream cake. He said they didn't have time to eat it at work. He brought it home and shared it with all of us.
I want to thank everyone for making Jakey's birthday so special. When I was helping him brush his teeth and getting ready for bed he told me this was the best birthday ever.
Happy Birthday #5 Jakey
Happy Birthday Jacob!
Today was such a special day. Our little guy is 5! Yesterday I told him to enjoy the day, it is your last day of being four. He said " Mom when I'm five I get my driver's license"! What? I said I don't think so. He asked me why? I told him first of all he can't reach the pedals and because I said so. He just smiled at me. I told him when he's 16 or so I'll reconsider. Man he is growing up way too fast.

This is the first year Jake's birthday fell on a school day. It was so fun going to school with him on his birthday. We had so much fun.

We got a car pinata and with Mrs. Kristi's help it was a huge success. I'm so grateful for her. She went out in Mrs. Di's garage and got an extension cord hung it around the tree and let the kids go crazy. That pinata was so strong all 25 kids got 3 turns. It still wasn't busted so we put the pinata on the ground and let Jake beat the heck out of it. When it finally busted Mrs. Kristi threw all the candy on the grass. We handed out Transformer bags to each kid. They got to go over to the pile of candy and put some in their bags. It worked out so good.

Some of the kids in Jake's class told him that was the funnest birthday party. They all had fun.

Mrs. Di squeezed Jake and told him Happy birthday. He was giggling.
I had my Doctor appointment today and everything is good with the baby. His heart rate was 167. He's more active than the other three kids put together. He is always bouncing around in there. After my doctor appointment I went visiting Teaching. It was my turn to share a message. I went home got the family and asked Jake where he wanted to go eat for his birthday, he picked Ruby River. He told everyone at the restaurant it was his birthday. After he ate his lunch the waitress brought him a huge Oreo icecream cake with tons of whip cream just like he loves. We went and picked up his cake and balloons and went home and waited for everyone to come over for birthday party #2.
Today was such a special day. Our little guy is 5! Yesterday I told him to enjoy the day, it is your last day of being four. He said " Mom when I'm five I get my driver's license"! What? I said I don't think so. He asked me why? I told him first of all he can't reach the pedals and because I said so. He just smiled at me. I told him when he's 16 or so I'll reconsider. Man he is growing up way too fast.
This is the first year Jake's birthday fell on a school day. It was so fun going to school with him on his birthday. We had so much fun.
We got a car pinata and with Mrs. Kristi's help it was a huge success. I'm so grateful for her. She went out in Mrs. Di's garage and got an extension cord hung it around the tree and let the kids go crazy. That pinata was so strong all 25 kids got 3 turns. It still wasn't busted so we put the pinata on the ground and let Jake beat the heck out of it. When it finally busted Mrs. Kristi threw all the candy on the grass. We handed out Transformer bags to each kid. They got to go over to the pile of candy and put some in their bags. It worked out so good.
Some of the kids in Jake's class told him that was the funnest birthday party. They all had fun.
Mrs. Di squeezed Jake and told him Happy birthday. He was giggling.
I had my Doctor appointment today and everything is good with the baby. His heart rate was 167. He's more active than the other three kids put together. He is always bouncing around in there. After my doctor appointment I went visiting Teaching. It was my turn to share a message. I went home got the family and asked Jake where he wanted to go eat for his birthday, he picked Ruby River. He told everyone at the restaurant it was his birthday. After he ate his lunch the waitress brought him a huge Oreo icecream cake with tons of whip cream just like he loves. We went and picked up his cake and balloons and went home and waited for everyone to come over for birthday party #2.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
List Of Five
Lori's List Of Five:
5 things I was doing 10 years ago:
1. Just started scrapbooking, didn't really love it,thought it was expensive waste of time.
2. Working at Sermon Chiropractic (some things just don't change)also worked cleaning two credit unions,new construction homes,offices. It's amazing how much more I could do before I had kids.
3. Trying to start a family
4. Was a member of the church for a year and went through the I.F. Temple to be sealed to Ryan
5. Serving in Primary in the Shelley Taylorview ward CTR 4 year old my first calling, 10 kids by myself almost made me become inactive.
5 things on my to do list today:
1. Physically make it through the day at work....Paper work is piling up.
2. Insurance billing and accounts receivable( Yippee )
3. Have lunch with my kids
4. Put laundry away when I get home
5. Give the kids a bath,cut their finger and toe nails, paint Marli's nails(she asked me to last night)
5 snacks I enjoy:
1. Mr.Goodbar or any kind of chocolate covered nuts
2. Mcdonald's french fries (when they're fresh,hot and salty)
3. Pita chips and any kind of dip
4. Licorice
5. Chiz's ranch on anything
5 Songs I know the lyrics to:
1. Fergie Big girls don't cry ( I love this song, I turn it up full blast and sing along. The other day after it was on the radio and the song ended Jake said "Mom your a big girl and you cry" Yeah I know)
2. 80's rock Def leppard, Van Halen, Guns and Roses, whitesnake, Judas Priest,Ac/Dc even Metalica (thanks to crazy ex-boyfriends and my crazy current boyfriend)
3. Every Barney song (Thanks to my sweet Jaxon)
4. I knew I loved you Savage Garden
5. My favorite church Hymms..Be Thou Humble, I know my Redeemer lives and The Spirit of God
5 Things I would do if I was a millionaire:
1. Pay off all my debt and my parents debt....RETIRE!!!!
2. Buy a cabin for all my family,extended family and friends to go to
3. College Fund for the kids
4. Donate to Primary Childrens Hospital and get a plaque on Jaxon's BMT door/ Start the JRS foundation
5. Help Ryan and his Friend Jim start their dream of a gun shop/gun range business
5 Bad habits:
1. Loosing my patience with my kids and husband
2. Worring about getting everything done and not living in the moment
3. Not deligating and feeling like I can just do it all
4. Spending to much $ and not saving enough (Impulse buying)
5. Taking on more than I should
5 Things I will never wear again:
1. 8 hoop earings at once ( ears pierced left side 5 times right side 3 times)
2. Blue eyeshadow
3. aqua net hairspray/ratted hair clear up to the sky
4. Pegged levi's with the back pockets removed and so tight you have to have someone help you take them off at the end of the day ( SO GROSS)
5. Colored leggings with matching knit sweaters that are almost long enough to be a dress on their own ( I had every color)
5 Favorite Toys:
1. Computer (most days)
2. Sewing machine/ Serger
3. Palm Pilot
4. Cards and almost any boardgame ( I love playing board games)
5. Playing dress up and Barbies with the kids ( I refuse to grow up)
Thanks guys that was sure interesting and a little bit of a flash of a blast to my past. I'll work on getting Ryan to post his list. Wish me luck.
5 things I was doing 10 years ago:
1. Just started scrapbooking, didn't really love it,thought it was expensive waste of time.
2. Working at Sermon Chiropractic (some things just don't change)also worked cleaning two credit unions,new construction homes,offices. It's amazing how much more I could do before I had kids.
3. Trying to start a family
4. Was a member of the church for a year and went through the I.F. Temple to be sealed to Ryan
5. Serving in Primary in the Shelley Taylorview ward CTR 4 year old my first calling, 10 kids by myself almost made me become inactive.
5 things on my to do list today:
1. Physically make it through the day at work....Paper work is piling up.
2. Insurance billing and accounts receivable( Yippee )
3. Have lunch with my kids
4. Put laundry away when I get home
5. Give the kids a bath,cut their finger and toe nails, paint Marli's nails(she asked me to last night)
5 snacks I enjoy:
1. Mr.Goodbar or any kind of chocolate covered nuts
2. Mcdonald's french fries (when they're fresh,hot and salty)
3. Pita chips and any kind of dip
4. Licorice
5. Chiz's ranch on anything
5 Songs I know the lyrics to:
1. Fergie Big girls don't cry ( I love this song, I turn it up full blast and sing along. The other day after it was on the radio and the song ended Jake said "Mom your a big girl and you cry" Yeah I know)
2. 80's rock Def leppard, Van Halen, Guns and Roses, whitesnake, Judas Priest,Ac/Dc even Metalica (thanks to crazy ex-boyfriends and my crazy current boyfriend)
3. Every Barney song (Thanks to my sweet Jaxon)
4. I knew I loved you Savage Garden
5. My favorite church Hymms..Be Thou Humble, I know my Redeemer lives and The Spirit of God
5 Things I would do if I was a millionaire:
1. Pay off all my debt and my parents debt....RETIRE!!!!
2. Buy a cabin for all my family,extended family and friends to go to
3. College Fund for the kids
4. Donate to Primary Childrens Hospital and get a plaque on Jaxon's BMT door/ Start the JRS foundation
5. Help Ryan and his Friend Jim start their dream of a gun shop/gun range business
5 Bad habits:
1. Loosing my patience with my kids and husband
2. Worring about getting everything done and not living in the moment
3. Not deligating and feeling like I can just do it all
4. Spending to much $ and not saving enough (Impulse buying)
5. Taking on more than I should
5 Things I will never wear again:
1. 8 hoop earings at once ( ears pierced left side 5 times right side 3 times)
2. Blue eyeshadow
3. aqua net hairspray/ratted hair clear up to the sky
4. Pegged levi's with the back pockets removed and so tight you have to have someone help you take them off at the end of the day ( SO GROSS)
5. Colored leggings with matching knit sweaters that are almost long enough to be a dress on their own ( I had every color)
5 Favorite Toys:
1. Computer (most days)
2. Sewing machine/ Serger
3. Palm Pilot
4. Cards and almost any boardgame ( I love playing board games)
5. Playing dress up and Barbies with the kids ( I refuse to grow up)
Thanks guys that was sure interesting and a little bit of a flash of a blast to my past. I'll work on getting Ryan to post his list. Wish me luck.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Happy 35th Birthday Ryan
Happy 35Th birthday Ry! I can't believe you are 35. When we met you were 17. Man time flies. I love you more today than the first time I laid eyes on you which looking back was a lot. Thank you for sharing your life with me.

These pictures were taken Sunday night. Ryan had to work afternoon shift today,so we'll celebrate his birthday later this week.

I made Ryan a card and we got a cake and sang Happy birthday to him when he got home Sunday night. I have to admit it was a sad version of Happy birthday. It was just the kids and me. Ryan was laughing at our singing. At least we're good for a laugh.

I love you sweetheart. I hope you'll continue to grow old with me.

These pictures were taken Sunday night. Ryan had to work afternoon shift today,so we'll celebrate his birthday later this week.

I made Ryan a card and we got a cake and sang Happy birthday to him when he got home Sunday night. I have to admit it was a sad version of Happy birthday. It was just the kids and me. Ryan was laughing at our singing. At least we're good for a laugh.

I love you sweetheart. I hope you'll continue to grow old with me.
Friday, September 07, 2007
Bye Bye Altima
With the new baby on the way we needed to get a bigger vehicle. I love my altima. It has been such a great car.
After tons of research and test driving practically every vehicle in town we found it....Our newest member of the family. The last month has been spent at every car lot in town and the surrounding area. Ryan and I knew what we wanted and wouldn't settle for something less. It was bittersweet the day we pulled on the Ron Sayer Nissan lot and found a black (galaxy) Nissan Armada. When the sunlight hits the black paint it has sparkles like outterspace. Well at least that's why I think they named the color galaxy. Rick Carter was working the day I bought my Nissan altima and he was there for us when we were ready to trade it in on the armada.

When we were test driving all the other vehicles out there Ryan could find something he didn't like about everything. I was getting pretty frustrated. I'm glad that he loves the armada as much as me. We even got Papa Bill's seal of approval. You know we're all Nissan freaks in this family. My mom and dad have a sweet Maxima that is so fun to cruise in.

Jake was so cute when we test drove the armada he said "This is totally awesome seven people can ride in here, that means I can ride in a different seat everyday of the week".

We love our new vehicle. It's prefect for our family. Bye Bye Altima.... Hello Armada.
After tons of research and test driving practically every vehicle in town we found it....Our newest member of the family. The last month has been spent at every car lot in town and the surrounding area. Ryan and I knew what we wanted and wouldn't settle for something less. It was bittersweet the day we pulled on the Ron Sayer Nissan lot and found a black (galaxy) Nissan Armada. When the sunlight hits the black paint it has sparkles like outterspace. Well at least that's why I think they named the color galaxy. Rick Carter was working the day I bought my Nissan altima and he was there for us when we were ready to trade it in on the armada.

When we were test driving all the other vehicles out there Ryan could find something he didn't like about everything. I was getting pretty frustrated. I'm glad that he loves the armada as much as me. We even got Papa Bill's seal of approval. You know we're all Nissan freaks in this family. My mom and dad have a sweet Maxima that is so fun to cruise in.

Jake was so cute when we test drove the armada he said "This is totally awesome seven people can ride in here, that means I can ride in a different seat everyday of the week".

We love our new vehicle. It's prefect for our family. Bye Bye Altima.... Hello Armada.
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