Today was such a special day. Our little guy is 5! Yesterday I told him to enjoy the day, it is your last day of being four. He said " Mom when I'm five I get my driver's license"! What? I said I don't think so. He asked me why? I told him first of all he can't reach the pedals and because I said so. He just smiled at me. I told him when he's 16 or so I'll reconsider. Man he is growing up way too fast.
This is the first year Jake's birthday fell on a school day. It was so fun going to school with him on his birthday. We had so much fun.
We got a car pinata and with Mrs. Kristi's help it was a huge success. I'm so grateful for her. She went out in Mrs. Di's garage and got an extension cord hung it around the tree and let the kids go crazy. That pinata was so strong all 25 kids got 3 turns. It still wasn't busted so we put the pinata on the ground and let Jake beat the heck out of it. When it finally busted Mrs. Kristi threw all the candy on the grass. We handed out Transformer bags to each kid. They got to go over to the pile of candy and put some in their bags. It worked out so good.
Some of the kids in Jake's class told him that was the funnest birthday party. They all had fun.
Mrs. Di squeezed Jake and told him Happy birthday. He was giggling.
I had my Doctor appointment today and everything is good with the baby. His heart rate was 167. He's more active than the other three kids put together. He is always bouncing around in there. After my doctor appointment I went visiting Teaching. It was my turn to share a message. I went home got the family and asked Jake where he wanted to go eat for his birthday, he picked Ruby River. He told everyone at the restaurant it was his birthday. After he ate his lunch the waitress brought him a huge Oreo icecream cake with tons of whip cream just like he loves. We went and picked up his cake and balloons and went home and waited for everyone to come over for birthday party #2.
Happy Birthday Jake! I can't believe he's five now... we were just looking at picture of him from our wedding when he was two and he looked so darn cute in that little tux. You're right, he's growing up so fast! Love you Jakey!
Thats so fun that they had that big party at school for him!! I can't believe he is 5...that means we have almost been married 5 years! Crazy! I remember he was just a little baby at our wedding!
I love these pictures, glad you had the best birthday ever. I love you
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