Jake has a ear infection. He is miserable. The doctor said he has a infection in his throat as well. He reminded me so much of his brother Jaxon. While the doctor was examining him he would tell us he was Okay. "I'm okay,I'm okay". Just like Jax would say when he was so sick. What a trooper. Jake and I went to Rite Aid by our house. The pharmacist tech looked like Kyle's friend Mark Dalling. I asked him if he was Mark's brother. Sure enough his name was Craig. He said to tell my family hello when I told him Kyle was my brother. Jake picked out a couple movies and a stuffed animal that he thought was a T-Rex. I thought it was a frog. We stopped at Reed's dairy and then came home. Grandpa Reuel was having a good time with Conor and Marli. When I was carrying everything in from the car Marli met me at the door. She told me Grandpa was listening to the Prophet and needed to stay. She begged me to let Grandpa stay. Today is a extremely special day. Our church sustained a new Prophet. President Thomas S. Monson. He has the same birthday as Jaxon. Grandpa Reuel said he helped Marli and Conor raise their hand to sustain our new Prophet. I was sad I missed it. Thank goodness for video taping. I will definitely watch it later.
Before Reuel left I took these pictures. Marli was upstairs and I couldn't get her to come downstairs. She was eating a cinnamon roll.
Thank you Reuel for spending this special time with us. I know conference is special all on it's own. I always feel like it's even more meaningful when a fresh spirit is in our home. I remember watching general conference in October right after Jaxon was born. The spirit of God was burning inside me as I held my son and listened to the leaders of our church. Same thing today while holding sweet little Conor. I'm so grateful for a Father in Heaven who loves me and has given me four beautiful and amazing children. I often don't feel worthy to be their Mother. I pray I will do a good job taking care of them. I know he has put a great deal of trust in me with his most sacred blessing, being his spirit children's Earthly Mother. I often find myself on my knees pleading in my children's behalf. If you look at my Tunes there is a song "Prayer Of The Children" if you have time listen to it. The person who wrote the lyrics to it was inspired to write and record the song after spending time at Primary Children's Hospital in Salt Lake. It is so beautiful. I love how incredibly strong the spirit is when I listen to the men sing acapella. It is so special. I hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful General Conference weekend.
Hey! Poor Jakey...I hope he is getting some relief from his medicine! I took Hailey to the doctor yesterday because she's been up all night long for the past couple of nights, and she has double ear infections. They were nasty. I feel so bad for her. She has been on meds for a couple of days, and they are still hurting. I hate having sick kids.
I had the same feeling when watching the morning session of conference with my kids this morning. We all stood together and sustained President Monson and his counselors. It was pretty amazing. I love conference weekend. Hope you guys are doing better, and I hope we all get some good sleep tonight!!!
OH man that is so sad...poor Jake! I hope he is feeling better now!! Sorry you had such a rough night with him! Hang in there I love you!!
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