Friday my dad took Jake and Marli to school for me because our plumber was supposed to come first thing and finish the downstairs bathroom. Ryan ran to Home Depot and I stayed home with Conor. The plumber finally showed up at 9:30. Here's a crazy thing...our plumber's name is Darryl and he looks so much like my brother-in-law Rod. He's a lot older than Rod, but if you closed your eyes and listened to him talk you wouldn't be able to tell the difference. Ryan and I both thought that Darryl looks like a older version of Rod. It was pretty interesting. He did a great job and even helped Ryan hook up our new water softener. We're pretty close to having the downstairs bathroom up and running. If anyone wants to have a sleepover and try it out your all invited. Ryan just needs to install the towel racks and toilet paper holder. I need to clean the shower and tub really good. Then we're just waiting on the cabinet door any day. Pretty exciting.
Saturday Carrie and Jim came over. I didn't get any pictures. I wasn't even thinking. The kids had so much fun. Ryan was at work. Jake took Jim downstairs and they played X-box. Marli asked Carebear to watch Daredevil the movie with her. Carrie said I could run to Walmart and get a few groceries and laundry soap. I was pretty excited to not have to take all three kids with me. Carrie cuddled with Conor and watched the movie with Marli. When I got home Conor was so tired, but wouldn't take a nap. I think he was loving having Carrie hold him. I know Jaxon has told Conor all about Aunt Carebear. Conor wasn't scared to go to Carrie at all. He smiled at her and kept starring at her. It was so sweet to watch them.Carrie was telling the kids that her and Jim are moving to I.F. in a couple weeks. Marli was so excited. She asked if they were going to live with us, PLEASE!!! I agree with Marli it would be one great big party at our house! Fun! Later Jake told me he used to be scared of Uncle Jim, but now he knows that was silly. He said "Mom, I love Jim he is so fun and so smart". I'm so grateful my kids were able to spend quality time with them.
Sunday Grandpa Reuel and Koby surprised us by stopping by. Jake was so excited. He's been wanting to play with Koby. Marli kept watching for Kamri. She didn't understand why Koby was with Grandpa by himself. The kids had fun together.
Monday where do I start. This day could possibly go down in history as one of the worst day of my life. I met my dad at my office with the kids. He took them to school and picked them up. I didn't get to have lunch with them. I had to go to a doctor appointment at 2:30. I saw a spine specialist. My neck, back and shoulder have been really bothering me. I tried Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Massage, medical doctors, physical therapy. I haven't gotten any relief. It's gotten so bad that I can't do my day to day activities. I've had a constant migraine and am just really hating life. Ryan has commented on me being grouchy because of the pain. So anyway I went in and after a hour exam the spine doctor wants me to have a MRI. I didn't want one. They explained to me they need the scan to rule out what could be the source of the problem. As I was leaving the hospital I saw my friend Devon's husband Eric. We visited for a bit and he wished me luck. He's a therapist at the hospital. I went to Teton Open MRI. This is where the worst part of my day comes in. After waiting for over a hour, they take me back and get me ready for the MRI. The technician is telling me all the things not to do. You have to hold super still,each scan builds off of the one before. You can't move at all or they have to re-do it. You can't swallow,cough,sneeze. They put huge headphones on me to drown out the noise. I had music blaring in my ears...with a migraine! Nice! The table is metal and so uncomfortable. The back of my head that hurts from falling on the ice is resting on this awful metal. It hurt so bad. Then they slide you into the machine. It is so scary. There's loud knocking and banging. I had to do some serious self talk, telling myself it was OK. Breathing nice and slow. When I shut my eyes I was getting really nausea's and felt like I was spinning. I'd open my eyes so I could tell I wasn't actually moving. My mind got the best of me and I lost it. I started bawling. I was thinking about Jax. I thought of all the scans he had in his life and all he went through. I felt so inadequate. The tech asked me if I was ok. He was in a different room and could only hear me if he turned on the speaker. I told him yeah. He said "Lori there's a lot of motion going on, we're going to have to re-do that last scan. I was in that stupid machine for a hour. The tech came in and pulled me out. I knew that the look on his face wasn't good. He felt so bad that I had such a hard time.I was doing really good until the last few minutes. I was soaking wet from sweat and tears. He sat down and talked to me for quite awhile. We talked about Jaxon and he wouldn't let me leave until he knew I was ok. Man it was pretty brutal. I consider myself pretty tough and that experience kicked my keester. I picked the kids up at my mom's and went home. We realized Jacob left his coat at Mrs. Di's. Shame on him and Grandpa Bill. The kids and I ate dinner. We watched part of dancing with the stars. When Ryan got home we all went to bed. What a long awful day!
Tuesday morning my Mom and Dad ran out to Mrs. Di's and got Jake's coat. My Mom came and picked Jake up at our house. They both got haircuts. I cleaned both the upstairs bathrooms. I mean really cleaned them. From the floor boards to the ceiling and everything in between. Three hours later, I got caught up on laundry and made Marli lunch. Marli had dance and then we went to my parents. Grandma Bette agreed to go with us to get all the kids shots. Super D' Duper! We get to the Pediatric center and all is well. The kids are playing and looking at the fish. Then we find out Conor can't get his shots today because he's not exactly six mo. old. Grandma says she'll wait with Conor in the waiting area. The nurse takes us back. We saw our two favorite nurses and they were so nice. We get in the room and Marli asked me to read to her. I'm reading to her and Jacob is getting himself worked up and is totally freaking out. Melt down! The nurse looked at their charts and said Jake needs three shots and Marli needs four. Marli said she'd go first. When the nurse came back in the room Jacob took off. I had to pull down Marli's jeans so she could poke her thigh. Marli was trying to pull her pants up and said this isn't right everyone is going to see my underwear. I told her it was OK. All she cared about was getting the sparkly band-aid. She said Ow each time she felt the needle, but was so brave. She didn't cry or anything. I was so proud of her. I opened the door to go find the missing patient. Here comes nurse Kathy holding Conor and Grandma Bette pulling Jake down the hall. I took Jake from my mom. She took Conor back out front. Jake broke out in hives and was screaming hysterically "Grandma, save me"! It took all of us to get him up on the table. I told him to count with me and it would be over. He finally started counting. He made it to twenty-five. Than it was over. He said "Oh, I thought I was going to die before I got to thirty"! He calmed down and was fine. Man! The nurse was so funny she said "You sure can tell who's the stronger of the sexes. This is why woman have the babies"! We ran a few errands and then met Papa Bill at Leo's for a early dinner. The kids had fun riding the rides and playing a few video games. My dad went home to get ready to go catch the bus for work. The kids and I went to Fred Meyers with Grandma. Then I took them all to my mom's while I went and had my friend Shannon work on mt neck and back. She's a massage therapist/Acupuncturist/Chi/Essential oil guru. She's amazing. She worked on me for two hours. I came out and my car was covered in snow. I was so disgusted. I went and picked the kids up and headed home. Ryan got home before us. What a day off!
Wednesday so far so good. I dropped the kids off at my dad's on the way to work. He took Jake and Marli to school and picked them up. I went and picked everyone up and took them home to spend the afternoon with Ry. I've been drinking a ton of water to get all the toxins out from the treatment Shannon gave me last night. She left two needles in my back on a pressure point. I'm supposed to leave them in for three days. I feel sore, but I can tell she helped a lot. I go back to the Spine specialist tomm. she'll go over my MRI results with me. I'm going to call it a day and go see my Kiddies. We're having Ham and eggs for dinner. Marli dances tommorow night, she'll do two dances. She's excited to finally do the tap dance they've been practicing. It'll be the first time they perform with tap shoes. She was so cute telling us she's going to dance for a bunch of Grandma's and Grandpa's that aren't hers.
Thanks for the updates! I love your St. Patrick's day pictures...the kids look so cute! I hope your back/neck is feeling better. What were the MRI results?
Lucky me I came across your website by chance
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