Ryan finally went back to work Thursday. He's been off of work since December 22nd. His thyroid levels are still extremely high & goes back into the doctor Monday for more tests. We were hopeful that after the radioactive isotope his thyroid would practically be dead by now. The kids have enjoyed having him home. He finally realized all that magically gets done around here & has stepped up & helped out. He's been able to volunteer in both of the kids classes. Run errands for me & even help watch the kids & clean the house. We all got used to him being home. Now we'll have to adjust to him working. His new schedule is straight days for awhile & all though I like this schedule he despises day shift. He catches the bus at 5:20 a.m. & gets home around 5:30 p.m.

I've had some health issues of my own. My eyes have a protein build up that is causing my vision to really have problems. The eye doctor explained it to me like this. The underpart of my eyelids that are next to my eyeball are extremely irritated. they are supposed to be smooth & mine have lots of tiny bumps. He prescribed a couple different drops that will hopefully clear it up. One is a prednisone steroid drop that is like putting drops of milk in your eye which is extremely gross & leaves a nasty metallic taste in my mouth. I've also been diagnosed with TMD which is formerly known as TMJ. The pain is unbelievable & I'm trying to resolve it with the suggestions I've been given. I'm going to a Brave girls retreat in May. It's going to a awesome Birthday present. I've set a health goal to be in shape by then. I've been trying to exercise everyday & eat healthy. I've made a weight loss goal & am trying everyday to do my best to get to my goal. I've noticed I've been sleeping better & my attitude has improved. I hate to exercise & don;t think I'll ever love to. I just suffer through it & hope my body will thank me for it.

Jacob is reading like crazy. It's so exciting. We read together every night & I had no idea how awesome it would be when the light finally goes on & your child takes off with reading. He's loving 1st grade. I go to the school every Tuesday & volunteer in his class. It's the highlight of my week for sure. Jacob is now in Sr. primary which I had a hard time with. I teach the 4 yr olds & loved sitting across the room from Jacob & seeing him in opening exercises. He's doing well with his new teachers & not being in Jr primary with me & Marli. He's such a strong positive influence on all of us. I am so grateful to have him in our family. He talks about getting baptised this year. We pray daily that Ryan will have the desire to be the one to baptise him.

Marli is our social butterfly. We always have a bunch of little girls over at our house or she's at a friends. She's starting to read & doing extremely well in school. She's quite the artist. She's always making a project. She helps me with Conor all the time. They are best friends. Marli's always asking for a snack...even if we just ate. Ryan & my Dad often tease her that she she has a hollow leg & is going to be as big as a house if she continues eating like a horse.
Conor is by far our most independent child. He doesn't like not being able to do things his way. It's often a battle with him to get him to see your point of view. He loves drinking out of a big cup (and often makes messes). He loves treats & playing in Marli's room. When I'm tired Conor will often get his favorite blanket which is a white & light blue Winnie the pooh blanket I made for Jacob when he was a baby. Along with his favorite baby & cars & trucks & come & lay with me. He sits & plays. I love it when he does this. He doesn't sit & watch movies like the other kids did when they were little. He's a busy little boy.

The kids just had some Valentine pictures done. I'll upload them as soon as I get them.
Thanks for the update! I'll have to show you how to do screen grabs on your iMac... it will make blogging SO much easier since you don't have to upload the massive file, just a small version, and it takes about two seconds. I wouldn't blog without it!
Hope to see you guys soon!
That sounds great Les! It seriously takes 10 minutes to upload one stinkin picture!
I"m so glad you updated! Its so great to hear from you and whats been going with you guys! I love and miss you lots!!!
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