I love having a daughter so much. I love that she loves making crafts & projects. I love that she's a total girlie girl & then in a blink of an eye she's a complete tom-boy. We were driving home the other night & she saw a Karnation Intimate apparel billboard. She asked me if the couple on the sign were from dancing with the stars. It cracked me up. I want her to stay this innocent!

We're going to a watch making class next Monday. She's so excited. I love spending time with my sweet Marli pooh! Today we were standing in the hall at church waiting to go to Primary. The other ward was coming out of class. I smiled as I watched how many kids stopped & talked to Marli. It didn't matter if they were YOUNGER or OLDER than her everyone loves her.

She's such a friendly little sweetheart! I have always dreamed of having a sister. I have felt like I really missed out by not having one. I really wanted Marli to have one as well. I'm grateful that I have always had good friends & sister-in-laws to fill in the empty space of not having a sister. I'm grateful that the older Marli gets the more we can hang out & be each others sister.

It's fun doing service projects with her & have her see how important it is to help others when a need arises. She's an amazing little girl & I'm blessed to call her my daughter!
1 comment:
These pictures are so cute! I'm so glad you have Miss Marli...she is such a doll!! We love her!
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