Tuesday, January 01, 2008
Back From Hiatus
Well we are still alive. I'm not sure how so much time went by since my last post. I have a lot to update and will soon. I've been really enjoying this Winter wonderland that is all around our home. The snow is magical and beautiful.
We had a nice Holiday and are getting ready for life to go back to normal. It has been so nice having the kids home and me having time off work. I have really enjoyed not having a crazy schedule. I could really get used to living this simple life. I'm recovering from having my tonsils and adenoids out. Some days I feel better than others. Jake and Marli go back to pre-school tomorrow after having a nice Christmas break. Conor is sleeping five hours at night now. I'll take anything over four hours. That has definitely been rough on me. He is such a sweet baby. We love having him in our home. He's really starting to have the cutest personality. Our hard drive crashed on our home computer and we're finally back up and running with the techno world. At first I thought I was going to die not having internet and a computer. I have to admit after a few days I didn't miss it that much. I realized how much I can let it control my day. Without it I got so much done. Instead of checking my email and other sites I asked the kids what fun activities they'd liked to do. We baked, we've done arts and crafts, read a lot of books, put puzzles together, played barbies and built lego cities.Santa brought Jacob a few lego sets. Ryan and Jake spent two whole days putting them together. It was awesome to watch the boys build these incredible moving working lego sets. There's a fireman city with complete fire station. Ryan also worked hard getting all my pictures backed up and so I will be posting some here in the next couple of days. We are so grateful for all of our loved ones and hope you are all well. I am so happy to say goodbye to 2007 and say Hello to 2008. Happy New Year everyone!

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Yay!! I'm so glad you are back to blogging. I've missed your posts!! Hopefully all the chaos is over in your life for a while and you can enjoy this new year! Can't wait to hang out with you guys this weekend. Love you!!
ME TOO! Peace out 2007...bring on 2008! I am excited for this year! :)
Congrats on little man - so stinkin cute! I hope things are great in your world! :)
PS I would help you with your blog if you want - if you can't tell...I'm addicted! HA!
Happy New Year! I feel like such a loser...every time I offer to bring you dinner, we get sick. So, I owe you a couple dinners and some cookies...It will happen one day, I promise. I need to see pictures of your cute kids, and your baby! I miss you guys! Love you!
Hey, I need help with our blog too?!!@%*
Nice story Lori. Now it's 12:34AM and I'm still at it. Keep 'em coming! I'll look at photos of you troopers and read you blog even after the cows come home and hit the "hay" for the night!
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