The girls got to wear their Halloween costumes to class for the Halloween party.
Marli's class has performed a couple of times. They danced three songs at the Festival of Trees and then at Hillcrest Highschool for a fundraiser for a family that was in a bad car accident.
Marli cracks me up. We never know what is going to come out of her mouth. Today we were downstairs hanging out. She comes over to me and tells me her night light is broken and it needs a new battery. "Mom can we please go to the store and buy a new battery...PLEASE"? Well the funny part is that it plugs in to the outlet it needs a new bulb not batteries.

Lately Marli has been my big helper. She loves to help me in any way. She has always helped me do laundry by throwing the clothes in the washer and then handing me the clean clothes out of the dryer to fold. A couple weeks ago she asked me how to fold the towels. I showed her once and now she folds all the towels. If I grab a towel out of the dryer she grabs it from me and says " NO MINE". If I need something for Conor she is more than willing to go get whatever I need.Conor loves his big sister even though she is always up in his face singing and bugging him. She loves her baby brother. Papa Bill taught her a song to sing to Conor. Let's just say it sounds like a broken record at our house 90% of the time. She calls Conor Baby and wants to be right next to him. She's a total sweetheart. I'm so grateful to have a daughter, I always wanted a sister and never got one. I really wanted Marli to have a sister and she's not going to get one either. I was talking to her the other night about this. She said "Mom I don't need a sister because I have you and your my bestest friend ever". Yeah I cried. She always makes me feel good. Whenever I try to kiss her she tells me she can kiss me, but I can't kiss her. Oh Marli Pooh Mommy loves you.

1 comment:
Lori, I love reading about Marli and seeing another side to her development that we can't see from all the way across town...
I love reading your blog because of the personality you put into the words. I'm reading along and you say something that catches me off guard and then I laugh and chuckle out loud. I know personal time to blog is rare so maybe you could tech Marli to type and she'll tell your history for ya!! She is a beautiful girl, and I love being with her. I especially like it when she wants me to hold her and give her piggy and horsey back rides.
I'll bet her nightly prayers are something to listen to! Love ya.
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