I have to say that from time to time I see Jaxon in the other kids, but today to see the four of them side by side is overwhelming. I'm bawling right now. I am so grateful to be their Mother. I love them so much and feel so blessed to have such good kids.
Also I would like to thank my good friend Nikki for the pictures that Cami used for my blog header. She is a wonderful friend that is taking the photography world by storm. She lives two doors down from me. She is running a Valentine special. If anyone is interested her phone # is (208)-557-0349 Nikki Foust Photography. I'll be sending out new pictures of the kids via mail soon. I just got my pictures back today and they are really cute.
I love the new look with all 4 of the kids side by side!! Its complete now! Cami did such a good job! I love it!!
OK Lori,
I just spent some time on "our" blog. I'm very impressed. Nice job. I love you sweetie.
Great work Cami! You are so beautiful, and the photo of you and Lucas is wonderful. I love it lots. It is so satisfying to see all the Ry and Lor troops present and accounted for! Oh Yeah Baby!
Lori I am glad you like it - thanks guys, you're nice!! I love that picture with me and Luke he's so stinkin cute!!
Looking at your site again tonight. I can't express the thrill of seeing you all together as a family. Mighty fine. Thanks again Lori, Cami.
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