We got up and had a long list of to do's to get done. I took the truck to wash and get a few groceries. Lesley made us a wonderful breakfast. Grandpa Bill and Grandma Bette came over and after they ate I put everyone to work. Everything in Marli's room needed to be moved. The t.v. from Marli's room needed to go in Jake's room. The t.v. from Jake's room needed to go down to Marli's new room. The storage room needed to be gutted out,sorted thru and organized. The crib was at the back of the storage room. Grandpa Bill took it upstairs for me. Lesley, my mom and I sorted baby stuff for hours. I can't thank everyone enough for all their help. I could have never gotten it down without all the extra hands. I appreciate all everyone has done to help me.

Jake was so excited to have Uncle Kyle play video games with him.
When Ryan got home from work he couldn't believe how much we got done. He made us homemade pizza. It was so yummy. Grandma Bette came over and ate with us. Papa Bill had to go to work. After dinner we played Farkel. It is the funnest dice game. Lesley bless her heart worked diligently on a project for me. She mentioned that the glider rocker could be re-upholstered so it would match the babies room. Well I jumped on that. Her and I took a truck load of baby girl stuff to Once upon a child and while they were pricing it we ran to the fabric store. We found the perfect fabric for the chair. Lesley worked all night and the next day to get it done for me. It turned out amazing. It looks so good in that room. It's really coming together nicely. Thank you Les!!! I love you and appreciate you so much! I would have never been able to do that chair. Your the best!

We had so much fun with Kyle and Lesley while they were here and can't wait to see them again soon.
Yum! Your homemade pizza looks delicous!!! Glad you had fun with Kyle and Lesley!
I like your new header with the lighthouse :)
Holy Blogging Batman! Lori, you're amazing ... I just checked your page for an update ... and cowabunga ... there's like a million adventures going on at your house! How fun ... I love reading all your stories ... and seeing the amazin pictures! Thank you, thank you!!!
I'm with Carrie...it was fun to read all your adventures! I'm glad you're getting all ready for this new little guy. Looks like you guys have been having fun! I was just looking at some old pictures where Jake and Marli were so little...they're getting so big. They are both so full of life!!!
The pizza looks so good! Who knew Ryan could cook? I say next time we get together, he is in charge of pizza! Love the new header on your blog! Little Marli is growing up...she is so beautiful, Lori! Jakey is adorable! I can't wait to hear all about their adventures in preschool. They will have so much fun together!
Oh, my heck! I just noticed the picture of the Savior in the light of the lighthouse. I love it even more now! Very cool!
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