Thursday, August 02, 2007

Gestational Diabetes

Today I had my doctor appointment. I woke up with a migrain and was feeling horrible. I had to fast and go into the doctor for the gestational diabetes test. So I had an empty stomach and then was asked to drink 10 oz. of this sugar drink that basically taste like 7up with no carbonation in five minutes. There was a couple times were I gagged and just about lost it. The nurse told me if I needed to puke just go ahead and we can reschedule. No thanks I'm not doing this again. So I made it the full Hour and they drew my blood. My results came back my iron was low and I'm border line diabetic. The doctor explained to me what could happen. I need to eat more protein and less carbs. They will re-do the test at my next visit. With the other three kids I always passed with flying colors. I swear this pregnancy has been almost text book of all the horrible things you may experience. It has been a uphill battle, with no end in sight.

Ryan was talking to his friend Bryce who lost over 60lbs by changing his diet. His doctor recommended this book. We stopped at Barnes and noble and picked it up. I started reading it and it's extremely interesting. Basically 90% of overweight people are insulin resistent. I recommend this to anyone who would like to loose weight. It's actually simple and makes so much sense. You need to balance what you eat. For example one serving of carbs need one serving of protein. It talks about serving size. They're no counting calories,fat or carbs. It's just really common sense. Which is what I need. We'll give it a go and keep you posted.

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