Lately I have been feeling very emotional. I'm sure it has a lot to do with being pregnant...Jaxon's Birthday coming up among other events in the world lately. I find myself bawling constantly. I hear the words from my husband "Do you need me to call the Wambulance"? come to mind. So please bear with me while I try to express what I'd like to share.
The song by the Eagles "Hole in the world" describes how I feel. "There's a hole in the world tonight,there's a cloud of fear and sorrow,there's a hole in the world tonight,don't let there be a hole in the world tomorrow!They say anger is just love diappointed, they say that love is just a state of mind, but all of this fighting over who will be annoited, Oh how can people be so blind!.....Oh they tell me there's a place over yonder,cool water running thru the burning sand,Until we learn to love one another we'll never reach the promise land! There's a hole in the world tonight....Don't let there be a hole in the world tommorrow!"
Last Thursday I got a call from one of my patients. Her husband used to work at NRF until he was diagnosed with cancer. He has had cancer 5 different times. Well he was in remission until Thursday. His cancer came back and it's not good. He's in the hospital now receiving chemo. He had his central line removed in February because he was cancer free for one year. This time was the longest he was in remission for eighteen mo. To me the word "CANCER" is worse then any swear word. It is a word that rips my soul out. I hate that word. I hate cancer. I hate what it does to a person,their family,their life. In a perfect world there would be no cancer. This morning my patient Renee came in for a Chiropractic treatment. We hugged for the longest time. I could see in eyes she is tired and scared. Her husband is still in the hospital and he's not fighting like he used to. His body is tired. I can relate. Everyday I pray for everyone who has cancer or is effected by it. If I had one wish I would wish that everyone would be healed and never ever get sick again. I know we have illness so we may learn. I just wish there was another way. My heart breaks every time I see so much suffering in the world. Tragedy is all around us. We may be at a good place in our lives,while our neighbor is in the fight of their life. We just never know. I want you all to know how much I love you and how thankful I am for you in my life.

I tired to shrink my banner so it wasn't so large. If you look where the fireworks come out there's a hidden profile. Let me know if you see it. I thought it was pretty cool. Ok go hug your loved ones and keep up the great work!
That is the neatest picture! I hadn't noticed the profile before. I know what you mean Lor, there are so many awful and ugly things going on in this crazy world. I'm so grateful for our family. Through all that comes and goes ... our families and the gospel remain the "constant"s in our lives. We're blessed to know what we know ... and have the ability to believe and to have hope ... thank you for posting this.
I do see the profile...very cool! I had a conversation with a friend recently and she commented that there's nothing worse than death. I've been thinking a lot about that and I think there is something worse...suffering. I dunno, it makes me feel more when I hear the phrase that our Savior "suffered and died" for us. There's a lot more to that than just the words. Someday none of us will suffer ever again...won't that be wonderful?
Your banner is so neat! I never noticed the hidden picture of Christ in it...that is pretty awesome! Thanks for sharing your feelings on cancer...it definately is one of the plagues of this world, taking the lives of so many! I too am so grateful for the gospel and family to help give us strength through these hard times faced in mortality and to give us the eternal perspective we need to build our faith and hope. I love you Lori!!
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