I would like to know what our new little guy's name is before he gets here.
Ryan's choices:
Jacob's Choice:
Marli's Choice:
Lori's list in no particular order:
(call it OCD but recently I realized the other kids all have 5 letters in their names....J-A-X-O-N, J-A-C-O-B, M-A-R-L-I so if possible I think it would be nice to stick with that little tradition)
Davis-I love this is my first choice Ryan apparently works with a guy who is a real winner and Davis is his last name and he can't stand the guy. (By the way Ryan has a reason why he doesn't care for any of the names I chose)
I really like the initials P.J. I thought we were for sure having a girl and had her name all picked out Paige Johanna. My grandpa "John" would be a nice choice for the middle name. So I like Payton,Paxton,Paxon,Packer....
Carson,Garet,Lance,Ryson or Rycen,Tyson,Tycen,Trey,Treycen. Then jokinly said Tryton and Ryan liked that one. OK I think that's all of them. So if you feel inspired to share a name please do we welcome all names. I think boy names are so much harder than girl names because you want a strong name for when they are a man,but it needs to fit them while they're small too. You would think with the last name Smith it would be easy. I think it's actually harder. I Love the name Will,but then he would be Will Smith. I know it was not this hard with the other kids. I am ready to pull my hair out. I have really been stressing over this. I guess we waited too long to have this baby because all of the names I thought I would use for my kids have been chosen by people who are really close to me. Ryan doesn't think that's a big deal if you like a name then use it who cares if someone else has it. UGGGGHHHH Please let us find a name soon,so I can put energy into something else.
Ryan and I see eye to eye on so many things... I vote "Maximus".
You could always call him Karll with the 2 L's. I think that would reall go well with Smith.
I love Connor...that was one of my names if Hailey was a boy. Lincoln is Morgan's little brother, and we call him Link...I like it. My friend just named her son Max...cute. My other friend named her boy Cache...kind of different. Doesn't go with Smith very well. It is hard! You have a bunch of cute names...you can't go wrong! Good luck! Can't wait to see what you decide!
That is a hard decision. I will just pray for you to be inspired, cuz I can't say a word! love ya!
Hey chicky ... SO many choices! 'Pax' means peace so I like Paxton. Maximus is pretty dang HIGH-larious ... and Max is cute. I think "Rycen" is a poison(?!) ... I like Ryker like Trev's little boy ... Hmmm ... Link is darling too. He's going to be a cutie-pie no matter what!
I like the name jake picked out Conner and I do like Packer John.
Optimus??? Ryan is FIRED! My sister in law is also trying to find a cute and TOUGH boy name (don't hate your kid from the get go!) Here's a few:
Gavyn - Tyson - Rhett - Micah
Have you made a decision yet? We haven't heard anything, so I'm assuming not. I'm going to vote with Jacob. I like Conor... and with only one "n" you get to keep the trend of only five lettters. I also like Ryley, and Kyle and I still like Paxton and Payton.
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