Monday Jake had a T-ball game. He was playing out field and it was extremely windy. His hat blew off his head and a team mate by the name of Steven thought it would be fun to play keep away with Jake's hat. Unfortunately for Steven that was a very bad idea. Jake is very mild tempered until you mess with something that is important to him. The kid would throw Jake's hat and Jake would run to get it,then the kid would throw it further. Jake had enough and leaped and tackled the kid. Jake was on top of him,wrestling him,kicking the kids butt. Finally one of the assistant coaches had to pull Jake off of the kid. Jake said "I told him not to touch my hat"!!! The next inning the coach put Jake on the other side of the field. I don't condone fighting. However I think Jake was only doing what I would have loved to do. I think Steven will think before he messes with Jake. I asked Jake what happened later on and he didn't want to talk about it. I tried to explain to him that the wind probably blew his hat off,and when it did Steven picked it up and started throwing it. Jake thought Steven had taken it off his head,and made him upset. Wow! Ya never know what kind of excitement your in for at a T-ball game.

I really wish I would have captured that moment on film. It would have been priceless!
Oh my! I can't imagine sweet little Jakey getting that upset. Good for him for not taking anyone's crap! I take it he and Steven "split up?" Hee! Hee! Steven won't mess with him again! Neither will I...dang!
That's awesome ... good for Jakey ... I can't wait to give that kid a great big hug!!! Not for fighting (ha ha, that sounded funny) ... just because I get to see his cute face!
ahhahahhaaaa Funny!
haha that cracks me right up. At least you can be proud that he stuck up for himself and now that little punk Steven will know not to mess with Jake... I hope he still has T-ball games when we come up to visit...
Is Jake still wearing his Red Sox hat with his Yankees uniform? If he is, that is absolutely hilarious and perhaps that's why the other kid tried to knock it off. If he were wearing a Yankees hat I'm sure he would have let the kid steal it and do whatever he wanted to it. You gotta love Jake's loyalty to the Sox. I am proud to be his uncle
That is too funny! Way to go Jake for standing up for yourself!
Lori-I miss you...I hope you guys are doing good and that you're just having too much fun to post anything!
I was there to witnesss this tackle, you thought they were playing football.I was proud of jake not too take any crap from steven. you got too love that boy
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