Years ago,a woman received a big,cut-glass bottle of Chanel No. 5 perfume. She loved the fragrance,but would never wear it. She didn't think each day was special enough to wear the expensive perfume. When she thought about putting the perfume on,she would stop and say no today is just an ordinary day. The bottle of perfume eventually went rancid and died up. About the same time her mother dried. She went home for the funeral. When she opened her mother's closet she found a ratty old nightgown hanging on the hook,not the lovely silk one the daughter had bought her mother for her birthday. Her eyes filled up with tears when she discovered the silk nightgown still wrapped in tissue paper in her mother's drawer next to other pretty gowns she'd been "saving". In her bathroom she found threadbare,faded bath towel in use,and a cupboard full of nice towels. It broke the daughters heart to think her mother hadn't loved herself enough to enjoy her pretty things. Didn't she believe she deserved them?
Is there some unused perfume,or a favorite shirt or shoes you love but hardly ever wear,because your "saving" them? Dishes that are "too pretty to use"? Well nothing is ever too pretty to use. Stuff is stuff and can be gone in the blink of an eye. If a dish or coat makes you smile or feel better when you look at it,use it! Every morning declare your day will be 'special".
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