It is said that the Savior walks the halls there. If you think about how much the Savior loves the children,where else would he spend his time ,but there at the children's hospital. I have had some very sacred experiences that have strenghtened my testimony. Besides the Temple there is no holier place. The people who work there are doing the Lord's work. I'm grateful for all the wonderful people who took such amazing care of our sweet Jaxon.

When Jaxon had to have surgery to have his tumor in his abdomen removed we trusted him to Dr. Meyers. Ryan and I were terrified to have our little boy cut open. Once we met with Dr. Meyers we both felt good about it. She took such great care of him.

I'm thankful that each year wonderful people donate their time to put on the telethon. Jaxon's care was close to a million dollars. Without the help of donations the hospital would not be able to keep their doors open. They never turn a child away because of the parents inability to pay.
I love to see pictures of Jax. For Memorial Day I wanted to put some of him on my blog, but haven't figured out how to scan yet. I will soon, but I sure have been thinking of him a lot lately. Thanks for posting these great pictures..what a character!
I think of jaxon often, when they have the telethon on tv, lot of memmories come back. I love the pitures you posted. jake was writing jaxon and jacob's name this morning. I am so proud of jacob thinking of his brother all the time. love you
oh man ... the flood of memories that come back ... Dr. Meyer ... Jaxon only waving to her with his foot! His cuteness let him get away with SO much ... Oh the sneaky things we got away with!!! Tee hee ... "Whateva!"
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