Also my poor friend Nikki. Her girls have taken dance for many years and whenever I have a question I call her. So I called her about four times today. Thanks Nikki your the best.
When grandma was trying to find shoes for Marli, Jake found a orange Shrek shirt. This kid loves orange.
OK so I have to tell you the funniest thing. We got home tonight and Marli fell asleep in the truck. Ryan carried her in and put her to bed. We were eating dinner and Jake looked Ryan in the eye and said"Dad I have to tell you something...this is the best damn sandwich". OK the thing that makes it really funny is Jake is the bad word police. If he hears anyone say anything bad he flips out. If he hears you say shut up or dang it or anything he says we don't say that and gets really upset. Ryan and I looked at each other and both about fell off of our chairs laughing. Jake goes"What I can't help it it is". He ate all his dinner and said "Mom can we have those again"? So apparently he liked his dinner. For those of you wondering exactly what it was that was so good. It was a breakfast like was a hamburger bun with egg,cheese,ham,and bacon. I'm glad he liked it.
Another funny thing this character said today was when I was talking to this guy and I told him not to work too hard. Jake said" Mom why did you tell that guy not to work too hard"? I told him I thought the guy was nice. Jake said" Mom if you thought he was so nice then why did you tell him not to work too hard,now he won't work hard and he'll get fired. Way to go Mom". OK please tell me that he does not think like a four year old. This kid uses his brain way too much to analyze everything.
So here is Jake in his new Shrek shirt.Ok vote please on who thinks Jake looks exactly like Brandon Bob in this picture. That is so scary. If you saw pictures of my brother Brandon when he was little if they didn't have a date on them you would swear it was Jake.
Thanks for everything today Grandma Bette. You really are our personal lifesaver.The kids had so much fun playing with grandma. She got her pool out for them and then took them to A&W for a ice cream cone. She even brought Dr. Fred a root beer float. We love you Grandma you are one of a kind.
The pictures of Jake are adorable. He looks a lot like Brandon! I think he always has! The story about the sandwich made me laugh out loud! What a funny kid! I have the hardest time finding dance shoes, too. Payless has ballet shoes, but I usually have to order them from They have great stuff. If you ever need tap or ballet shoes, you are welcome to try Kamri's old shoes she's outgrown...she has lots of them. Thanks for your comments on my blog. I love them. I love you!
LOL! Jake is SO funny!! I love the sandwich story...hilarious! He is such a cute kid.
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