#1 I hate wearing shoes and socks. 1st thing when I get home they come off. I love going barefoot.
#2 I Love to sing. Yes I am very aware that I am tone deaf. My husband points it out to me regularly. In the car or at home I blast music and sing my heart out. The kids and I will pretend we're in a rock and roll band and head bang.
#3I love reality t.v. especially Bravo t.v. It's fun to watch people make idiots of themselves then wonder why no one likes them.I love watching M.t.v too,but Ryan gets mad at me and tells me to watch something else.
#4 Post it notes are my best friend. If it's not wrote down it's not going to happen. Especially now that I'm pregnant...I am totally brain dead.Ryan teases me and says we are screwed if I can't remember cuz I'm the brains of the operation. He forgets even if it is written down.
#5 I hate clutter. If I walk in the house and there's piles of stuff I get upset. I like everything organized. There is a place for everything. Put it back when your done. I'm like that at my office too. It's probably hard to work with me,cuz I am a neat freak.
#6 I do not like cheese on hamburgers. If you put cheese on it I will not eat it. If I'm at home I like miracle whip and lettuce on my burger,but if we're somewhere else I like ketchup & mustard. I also will not eat ham & pineapple pizza. It's gross to me. I used to think pancakes were gross until a couple years ago. Ryan loves them and would always try to get me to eat them. Finally I started making different kinds and I love them. I put peanut butter on them as well as on my waffles. We have pancakes almost once a week at our house.
#7 I have a hard time throwing away my scraps when I'm scrap booking. People tease me and even give me their scraps. I have containers full of scraps. I think it's because growing up we were told to never waste anything.
OK so there ya have it. I hope I didn't scare anyone. Wish me luck today after work I'm going to the doctor. I have been apprehensive about the ultrasound. Worried something might be wrong with the baby. So I'll be happy when it's later on today and I can rest assure that everything is OK.
Love it! I love pineapple and I like Ham, but putting them on a pizza together is discusting! I'm glad you feel the same way! :)
oohh-I love that kind of pizza. good luck at the dr.! Can't wait to hear the results.
Hawaiian pizza is from heaven. I still love you though ... hee hee. I'm saying a prayer for you at the docs ... I'll call you later! Oh, and I love the barefoot thing! Makes me cool off just thinking about taking off my socks and shoes.
Okay, so CONGRATULATIONS! I am so excited for this new little one! I am glad all went well, and you can rest easy. It is always so scary for me to go to the doctor...I just expect everything to go wrong. I am with you about the clutter...I hate it! I can't sleep if I have clutter anywhere! I learned so much about you! Thanks for sharing!
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