Sunday, September 23, 2007

Ninja Turtle Rafael

Jake was cracking us up.I had to get a video of him being so crazy. He was so into being a Ninja, Ryan and I were dying of laughter.

1 comment:

Lynet Smith said...

Good morning troopers! I really liked seing your blog this morning. I was up a little early thoday (about 3:45 AM-- the same time I woke up exactly five years ago, just before receiving a call from Ryan about Jaxon.

I was prompted to read in the D&C about some questions I hope to have answered. As I read D&C sections 88, 137 and 138 I was thrilled to be reminded of important things-- like gratitude for Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, joseph Smith, all the prophets, and all the doctrines about being together in Heaven again as families... I love your mother and grandmother Lynet and am so grateful to her for all the joy she has brought into my life. She is the mother of all my children and their children, and is like unto what President Joseph F. Smith said about "our 'glorious' mother Eve" in section 138.

Happy Family Home Evening day/night to your all. I love you and treasure my eternal relationship with you.

Ryan, Lori, Jaxon, Jacob, Marli and ?? - I want you to know the whole family shares a vriety of deep and personal feelings for you and especially for Jaxon, not only today, but, always. I pray we'll all have a wonderful day of gratitude, love and peace.

God bless you everyone.
Papa Reu