My friend Nikki has been bugging me for months to let her take Belly pictures.She is a professional photographer that is just starting her own business. She wanted me to give her some practice. I love her to death and only for her would I allow someone to take pictures of me for the sole purpose of showing my fat stomach. I have put it off for as long as possible. I thought when I almost had the baby Wednesday early I was off the hook. No way was she going to let one more day go by. She lives two houses down and insisted I come over today. I was lucky that my sister in law Lesley was here with my brother Kyle. Lesley is expecting their first baby a girl January 1st. This is definately the only time we will be pregnant at the same time. They live in Provo and came up for a couple days. Lesley was nice enough to go with me. Nikki took a bunch of pictures of us. As we were leaving I asked her to take a couple with my camera. It wasn't so bad. She was fast and it was pretty painless.

Thanks Les for going with me!
You crazy girl! You don't even look pregnant! I can't wait to see what Nikki got...hope you are feeling better!
What fun pictures! Kim's don't even look pregnant. You both are beautiful!
Hey girl! You look so cute! I can't wait to meet this little guy!
You both look so good. I had such a great time with you both. Thank you so much for allowing me this opportunity. I am so looking forward to snapping more shots.
You guys look so cute! You seriously don't look like you are about to have a baby! You are lookin good mama!
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