Grandma Bette got Jake this Boston red sock T-shirt and hat for his birthday. He loves the red socks because Uncle Kyle loves them. He was so happy to wear this today. I had to take pictures of him looking so cute.

This last week Jake has really discovered Lego's. He has played with them nonstop. Jaxon loved Lego's and enjoyed making things. In Jake's room there are all of Jaxon's Lego's. They've been there all this time. Jake would play with them a little here and there. He never dumped them out and really just went for it. So after discovering Lego's and realizing he can make whatever his mind comes up with....my living room floor is covered in every size Lego ever made. At first I thought I was going to have a nervous breakdown over this mess. Anyone who knows me knows I hate clutter. I can't have messes. We have to contain this. Not in the living room. The room everyone who comes over sees. Then I realized he is having fun. He is being creative. He is entertaining himself. He needs to do this. So I have come to terms with this madness. It's all good. Look closely at this last picture. He is so happy with these little Lego guys. Wednesday Jake was at my mom and dad's and they found the hugest tub of Lego's. They were Brandon's. Jake was so excited he told Grandma Bette "I need your phone, I need to call Brandonbob"! So he called Uncle Brandon and asked if he could play with his Lego's. Brandon told him to have fun and enjoy them. There are some super cool Lego's in that tub. This week he has built some really amazing things. Ryan will get down on the floor and these two cutie pies will play Lego's for hours. I think this is so awesome. I love to watch them. I love how Jake will run up to me show me what he's made and explain to me what it is,how it works. His little voice is so happy and he is living. He is really living. This makes me so happy.

Today is my day off. The kids had pre-school. Papa Bill called me at 8:30 a.m. and asked me if the kids were ready for school. I said yeah. He said I'm on my way to get them and I'll take them to school. Before I could say anything he hung up and was at my garage door. My Dad is is the greatest. He knows I haven't been feeling well and is so thoughtful. It's rainy and gloomy out today. So instead of me having to drive clear across town to take the kids to school, to just turn around drive home for 2 hours to turn around and pick them up. I got to stay home and get so much done. Thank you Papa Bill, you are so good to me. I love you! I cleaned the basement, started laundry, showered, painted my toenails (which was a huge accomplishment), and cleaned my scrapbook room. Earlier this week I made cards and left my scrapbook room in quite a mess. I started a scrapbook calendar project back in April that I found unfinished. I'm going to get it completed today. Then I'm going to get going on the dragonfly rag quilt that I've been putting off. I want to get it done for our new little guy. I picked the kids up from school, we went to Fred Meyer's did a little shopping and then the kids and I went to Jalisco's by the river for lunch. Jacob loves Jalisco's. It was so fun just the three of us enjoying lunch. On the way home Jacob said the sweetest thing to me. He asked me if we were going to adopt our baby when he is born. I explained that Mommy is having the baby so he is ours and we don't have to adopt him. I asked him why he thought of adopting. He asked me questions about Aunt Erin and Uncle Mark. Then he said "I'm so glad Erin and Mark adopted Luke, because if they didn't he would have never come into my life". Wow! I called Erin and shared this with her. I was so touched by him thinking this.
Jake is not five, he thinks like an adult. I'm glad mark and erin adopted Luke too. I love the pictures of Jacob. love you!
Ahh-I have tears in my eyes. Bette is right-Jake is much older than five. That was so sweet of him to say about Luke. I didn't know he thought that much about adoption-you know what I mean. It's amazing what these precious kids are picking up and thinking. Thanks for sharing. Jake is so HANDSOME!
ok, that cracks me right up. Kyle just posted an entry about how he's excited to brainwash our child into liking the redsox... pretty timely that you just posted this!
his post is pretty hilarious... scroll to "My favorite time of year"
That is the sweetest thing ever ... I'm so amazed by my brilliant nephews and nieces ... a child's imagination and thought process is something that we should all try and emulate ... FOR SURE. "Out of the mouth of babes ..." I love it.
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