I took my stuff over in case I stayed the night. After working on the rag quilt for hours straight until we got it done, we were all exhausted. Kyle wasn't feeling well and wanted to sleep.I wanted to go home where I felt like I would be more comfortable. Lesley was sweet enough to come home with me and help take care of my kids. Well I was up all night again for the who knows how many nights in a row. I've seriously lost count. I can't wait to be able to go to bed and just sleep. Lesley stayed in Marli's room with her. Marli was so excited to have a sleep over. Lesley got up with the kids and fed them and helped them get dressed. My mom and dad were both working again today. Grandma Bette had her lunch break at 11:00 so we met her and Kyle at Smitty's.
Jake wore his new Red Sox Jersey for the first time. When he saw Uncle Kyle pull up he said "Mom act natural, that means when you see Kyle you hug him"! OK! Jake had his Red Sox hat behind his back. When Kyle walked over to us (we were waiting outside,there was a 30 min. wait) I gave Kyle a hug. Jake started doing this hilarious dance and pulled his hat out,put it on and was all excited for Kyle to see him decked out in Red Sox attire.

Marli was so excited to see Kyle. She ran up and wanted him to pick her up.

Jake got ahold of my camera and was taking random pictures.

Jake got this one of me and my brother.

He took this one of his hat sitting in between Kyle and me.

I love this picture. Les said let's make silly faces...the kids just laughed.

Kyle has a paper due Monday and really should have stayed home to work on it. He made a deal with Les if she drove, he could work on his paper in the car, they could come up for a visit. I'm so glad they did. I appreciate the sacrifice they made to come up to I.F. It made us all so happy and we love to spend time with them. I told them when I have the baby we'll meet them in Malad so they can see him and won't have to drive all the way up. Hahhaaa!
Cute pictures! I love that Jake is so into the RedSox!!
I am so glad Kyle and Lesley got to come up and help you...they are so great! I am glad your kids have them! Jake and Marli look so cute...Marli's hair is darling. Can't wait to meet the newest member of the Smith family!
It was so great to see you guys. I love you all and can't wait to see you again. Until next time...
I just love those silly pictures of the four of us. We had so much fun this weekend... thanks for making time for us when you're so busy with everything else...
love the pictures, it was a fun weekend. love you guys!
Good on you guys Kyle and Lesley! How fun to see you with the family! Where was GPa BIll? I know, probably on shift work. Tell him needs to put o Jakey's new Red Sox uniform, complete with the official cap, and pose for a family photo-- for posterity's sake! Jake you are a class act! Marli, you are more cuddly and faster than a little bear!
Nice work Lori... can you count down... 10, 9, 8,(?)
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