Jake asked if we could make cupcakes. I thought oh man I really don't feel like starting that and they'll make such a mess. A feeling came over me that was so incredible. I knew I needed to put my feelings aside and do this for the kids. I don't know why ,but I hate Popsicles and cupcakes. They are so messy. I know I'm terrible. So I said sure we can make cupcakes. Then Jake says I want to make them like Grandma Lyn. OK...how does Grandma Lyn make cupcakes? Ya know Mom in ice cream cones. Well I didn't know how to do that, so I called my sweet Mother in law and asked.

We made the cupcakes and the kids had frosting everywhere before we even got any on the cupcakes.

They did such a beautiful job decorating them. I told them to be careful not to spill the sprinkles. I went behind them to move some stuff when low and behold I spilled a whole thing of tiny sprinkles. The kids laughed so hard. Mom you told us to be careful and your the messy one. The last thing I wanted to do was clean up sprinkles that were from one end of the kitchen to the other. Oh well! I got the broom out and the vacuum and was sweating up a storm before I got them all cleaned up. I didn't know making cupcakes would be such a work out. No wait I did....that's why I don't like them.

So as you can tell I didn't do very well at the ice cream cone cupcakes. I guess I didn't have the right kind of cones or muffin tin. These are some sad looking cupcakes. Jake was so sweet he told me not to worry about the ones that didn't turn out. He said look at all the little ones that did they're beautiful. I'm glad he wasn't upset with me that I screwed up the ones he wanted in the first place.

We even left a couple chocolate ones undecorated for Ryan. Ryan doesn't like any fancy smancy stuff on his cupcakes just frosting. So when he got home tonight from work Jake was so excited to show his dad the two cupcakes that only had frosting on them and no sprinkles. I'm thankful I listened to the prompting to do this small thing for the kids. It made them so happy.
Ha! Ha! Ha! The cupcakes look yummy! Good job, mommy!
way to go on the cupcakes! They look very tasty! I bet the kids had so much fun making them!
That is so cute ... you're making amazing memories with your sweet kids ... just the smiles on their faces SCREAM how much fun they're having ... way to go sis.
HAHA Way to suck it up for the smiles on their faces...I'm sure it was worth it. You know they think they have the coolest mommy on the planet!
Mmmm I wish I was at your house for conference!!
Wow, who could resist a cupcake plate from these two bakers/decorators extrordinaire?
By thwe way, the cupcakes were yummy!!!
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