After Ryan left for work last night I took the kids over to see Grandma. I was making my mom a birthday card when the kids asked if they could make her one. They each did such a great job making their cards. They were so excited to give them to her.

Way back in July I was at Khol's with my mom and she really liked a pair of earings and necklace. I bought it then without her knowing it. It was so hard for me to put it away for three months to suprise her for her birthday. It was so cute when she opened them. I was glad she liked them.

Happy birthday mom. I'm so grateful for you. You do so much for me and my family. I appreciate you and couldn't imagine life without you. You are the best. I hope you have a great birthday. You'll be the first to know if the baby is coming today on your birthday. Thank you for always being there for all of us. We love you!!!!!
what a busy day you had! Lori, you are supposed to be RELAXING! let's see... you got up, took us to breakfast, made cards, went to a photo shoot with your kids, visited grandma, and who knows what else! I'm going to call your doctor.
Happy Birthday, Bette! Thank you for everything you do for Ryan, Lori, and those precious kids! You are so great! Hope you had a fun day!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY GMA Betty! Jake siad you must be at least 18 years old! Good on ya Lori. Sick, on bed rest and you still manage to drive the MAX TAXI across town in bad traffic, and in the dark too? Are sure Marli didn't take a turn at the wheel?
Love yuz guyz (that includes el pequenitisimo hombresito... AKA the littlest man.)
Mega dittos on Kim's comment about you being Marli and Jakey's everything! That goes for you to GPa Billy Bob!
Haha I'm laughing at my Dad's comments. Happy Birthday Bette!! I'm sure if Luke knew he would have been over to help you eat your cake! He's good like that. You are such a good grandma-good thing you're getting two more lil ones!!!
thanks everyone, this was the best birthday a grandma could have. love you guys!
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