Happy Birthday sweet girl! I can't believe my baby girl is 4! Marli had one birthday wish a rainbow barbie cake and a sleepover with cousin Kamri. She got her wish. After pre-school Friday Jake and Marli went to Grandma Lyn's and Grandpa Reuel's. They had so much fun. Reuel brought the kids home around 6:00 to pick up clothes to stay the night. I wasn't feeling well at all and was so thankful they wanted the kids all night. We worked out the details to have Marli's Birthday party at their house. Ryan had to work day shift today so it was a huge blessing for me. Reuel and Lyn had Koby, Kamri and Kenzi stay over too. The kids had the best time. My parents came and picked me up around 10:30. We stopped picked up the cake and balloons and headed out to Reuel and Lyn's for a birthday party. Grandma Phyllis was there. We had a nice little party for Miss Marli. After the party we took Marli to Garcia's for lunch. We had to stop at Fred Meyer's and exchange Marli's new coat for a bigger size. I bought her a 5 and she needed a 6. Wow! She's a big girl! We came home and Grandma Bette had a couple Barbie presents for Marli to open. Marli was so happy. She picked out this red barbie car that comes with camping equipment and a baker barbie over a month ago. When she opened it she giggled and was jumping around. Then the kids and I layed down for a nap. When we got up we watched Jonah veggie tales and waited for Ryan to get home from work. The kids took a bath, we ate dinner and now were going to call it a day. Thank you to everyone who made Marli's birthday extra special. I appreciate everyone. I'm grateful for my family, they help me out so much.
Unfortunately my camera battery died and I didn't get to take as many pictures as I wanted to.
Unfortunately my camera battery died and I didn't get to take as many pictures as I wanted to.
Happy Birthday cute girl!!! Sorry we missed your party. We love you so much and were thinking of you yesterday! Sounds like it was a fun day!!
Happy happy birthday Miss Marli! We can't believe you're four... and Lori, I bet she's pleased that she didn't have to share her birthday with her little brother. Though, I guess October 20th and October 22nd aren't that far apart anyway. We can't wait to see pictures of your little one who arrived early this morning. Love you guys!
Marli is such a wonderful little companion. She makes you feel like you are the most important person in the world when she looks straight into your eyes and smiles as big as Texas!!
Hope you have a fun time sweet heart!
Hey Marlipoo.Your Birthday was fun.
especially the part after school when
you said,well is anyone going to take
the Birthday girl out to lunch? that
was really cute.Marli's my sweetie pie.Don't you dare call me old man
you Bum!Love.PaPa Bill.Jake! Don't
you call me those crazy names either.
you Bum.You better quit teasing me.
we had a good time, you are a my best friend! I love when they sang too you at garcia's. We had a fun weekend. love you!
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