I ran errands, took Miss Marli to dance, took Jake to get a haircut, took the kids to Mrs. Powell's for a yummy bowl of soup, roll and a cinnamon roll for later. Jake was so cute when we walked in Mrs. Powell's I was telling him all they had, he walked up to this huge cinnamon roll and pointed at it...."That's what I want"! We came home and Ryan saw the cinnamon roll and was pretty much as excited as Jake. After lunch they shared it. Pretty cute.
Jakey before haircut

Jakey after haircut

Miss marli being her cute little self

I don't know if you can really tell,but if you look closely at Miss Marli's cheek there's a bruise. The kids have been playing this game they made up. They take racket's and hit balloons(from Jake's birthday).They laugh so hard and have been having the best time. Well they were playing in the basement and Marli got really excited and fell off the couch into the coffee table and landed on her cheek. Pretty rough.
In case anyone is wondering if we're closer to a name for our son that should be here in the next few weeks. The answer is NO! Tonight Ryan asked me what I thought of the name Butch. I just looked at him like he's lost his mind. I said that's a dog's name. He's like no it's not, I really like it. Are you flippin serious? What is he thinking?
OK so I needed to make birthday cards for the ladies in my ward and some more baby cards. I made 12 birthday cards for the ladies who have October b-days and 10 baby cards. Here are a few that I made today.

I'm glad I'm caught up on cards for this month. Now I'm off to mend some of the boys jeans, and make dinner. We're having spaghetti Miss Marli's favorite. Then I'll sit down and watch Dancing with the stars. What a perfect ending to a Tuesday.
You are busy busy!! Sorry you havne't been feeling good...at least youre almost done being pregnant...there is light at the end of the tunnel!! :)
Jake looks so handsome with his new haircut! What a cutie!
Your cards turned out really cute. I don't know where you find the time to do all you do...you are amazing!
Thanks for the update. Love ya!
Are you sure it wasn't Ryan who fell down and hit his head??? Butch??? What the???!!! Ha ha ... oh my ...
I love the kids pics ... keep 'em coming!
Way to go on the cards sister crafty ... good grief ... with all that's going on in your life right now - I have NO excuse. thanks. a lot.
I love the pictures of the kids, jake looks so hansome with his haircut. I love the cards you made, your amazing. love you!
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