Saturday, May 26, 2007

The Riot Zone

Ryan took the kids to Rexburg to look at motorcycles. His friend Benny met him at Rexburg Motor sports. They had fun looking at all the bikes. Jacob really wants a red dirtbike. We told him he has to learn to ride his bike without training wheels first. I stayed home and attempted to work on my Jaxon tribute book. Ryan called me and said they were going to the Riot Zone with Eric and Melissa. I was ready to get out of the house. They came home picked me up and then we met Eric, Melissa, Jesse and Ashley in Rigby at the Riot Zone.

Marli loved this big slide that no-one else wanted to climb up and go down.I love that about her.

Jake & Marli loved splashing in the water.

The gladiators. Marli looks like a sumo wrestler with her ponytail sticking out of her helmet.

Looks like the kids caught some AIR! Yippee! Fun!

Jacob was so considerate of helping Jesse. He was so happy to hold onto Jesse and help him. I had tears in my eyes watching them together. It was so sweet.

Sweet little Ashley. I love her she is such a doll. She has such a sweet spirit. I can't believe how much personality she has.

Ryan with the kids on the bumper boats. That was so much fun. Eric took Jesse and they had the whole ride to themselves. It was fun to watch Ryan and Eric try to get close enoughto bump into each other.

Ryan with Jakey on the go carts. Ryan had to go a little slower with his sidekick on board.

Eric and Jesse cruisin in the go carts.

Marli asked Melissa to take her on the go carts. It was so cute Melissa took my daughter while I held her's.

Thanks guys for a fun saturday. We love you guys so much.


Melissa said...

THanks so much for coming and playing with us! We had so much fun! Love you guys!!

Lesley said...

We want to go! Can we please go when we come to visit? Looks like an absolute blast...

Anonymous said...

these picture's made me cry, looks everyone had a blast. I love how jacob held on too Jesse's hand. what a fun Saturday, love you guys!